A Bloated Grape

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Carly's POV
We all managed to reach the shop and it was a disaster, there was a lot of glass shards on the floor and everything inside the shop is now broken

Merlin is talking to a short woman who looks like in her 40's, Leo walked up to him and they talked as Hunter join in on their conversation
"Woah" Stacy said in shock as she see how the shop is destroyed

"Someone must really hate the person to do this kind of crime" Natasha commented as she looks at the broken safe in the room of the shop
"Let's spread out, maybe we can find any clue to who could have done this" I said and we went to different spots

I saw a broken album shelf behind the shop and every book that fell seems to be in rainbow colour order
"Does the owner know how many albums of a specific colour are there?" I asked Brittney as she walked in and bend down to observe the mess

"Hunter said to me that there are 32 Green albums and the album we have is green, there are only 31 albums left in the green coloured area" she spoke as she took a random green album and opened it

We saw a Victorian looking photo in it and many random people smiling
"Someone is hiding something" she muttered under her breath and stood up
"For that person to rob and destroy a shop there must be a hidden motive" she stated and looked at me

"We should ask if the owner has any relation to this Psycho maniac person" she walked out of the room

This would have been easier if Hunter was not hyperventilating when we ask him for more details back at the mansion, his words did say that I might be Elijah's daughter and that I could be Maria

The only problem is he is afraid of the person that might be in charge of all of this, we suspect that it could be the mother because her status said that she is still alive on a different identity. The man named Elijah was dead a long time ago because of an explosion inside his lab

The mother was said to be mentally deranged and she could make many dangerous decisions, I look at Hunter's back as he is looking at the broken desk with many destroyed photos

Hunter's POV
I try to not say who the person is because if I do everyone and mostly Carly could be in danger, I heard from the other survivors that Elijah could still be alive

It's hard enough as it is to protect them even if I have to do dangerous methods

Leo's POV
"Aunt Eleanor are you sure you don't know anyone who has a grudge on you?" Merlin asked the woman and she nodded then sighed in sadness as she look at her destroyed shop

Stacy's POV
I try to look if there are any CCTV cameras in the area but the robber must have known because there is no camera in the vicinity
"No cameras in sight" I heard a male voice and I turn my head to see that it was Kevin, I kept silent and just nodded at him

Carly's POV
We all now went out of the shop as the police investigators have arrived, we went to a fast food place and are silently eating. Everybody must have something in their mind as they search through that shop

On the way out Natasha suddenly remembered something and she grabbed my arm
"I almost forgot about the prom! boys you guys go ahead we girls are going shopping" she sang as she pulled all of us in another direction to a dress boutique

As we walked farther from them I waved at Leo and he waved back to me before they went in another direction, the shop that we went in was filled with beautiful dresses that my jaw was dropped

"Now then what was the theme again for prom?" Stacy asked all of us
"Four Seasons of Love" I answered and she snapped her hands and smiled
"Great! Now let's search for a prom dress" Brittney said happily as she is now holding 8 potential dresses that she could wear

They scattered around the shop to look for a dress and I still don't know where I should start because I get used to someone picking out a dress for me, I awkwardly follow Stacy around because I have no idea what I should do and she noticed my confused face

She giggled and grabbed my wrist and held up a dress in front of me to see if it looks good
"This one looks nice, hold it" she gave it to me and this went on for 4 more dresses and we went to the changing room

I wish I didn't come along because shopping is nice to hear but you have to put on and remove clothes, again and again, I am already in my third dress and I am tired

I went out of the changing room to see them sitting down and observing me in the dress
"You look like a bloated grape" Natasha told me

"Seriously? A bloated grape" I repeated her comment and she nodded
"Tasha is right, you look like a bloated grape" Brittney walked up and around me to look

"Try on the last dress since you chose it" Stacy gave me the last dress that I randomly chose and I waddled back into the dressing room in this tight purple dress

I look at the dress and it looks okay to me I guess, I wore it and walked out. They all gasped and covered their mouth with their hands
"Perfect" Natasha whispered under her breath

Stacy looks so excited for me that she twirled me around in it, Brittney walk into the purse/bag section and chose one for me
"Now give us a pose Carly" Stacy was holding her phone at me and is taking my picture

I am bad at posing so I put my hand on my waist and smiled, "I will never be a model like this" I joked in my head

Author's Note:
Just made another new story called "Pillow Buddy"✔ you guys can check it out

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