Smell Delicious

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Leo's POV
I almost lost myself in there for a second if Carly's cousin didn't knock on the door, she was just too hard to resist

She is eating Nachos right now while watching a TV show that everyone has their eyes glued to the TV, everyone was busy even this late at night. It seems like this family never sleeps and neither do they care about it

"Honey say ahh" Carly whispered in my ear as she is holding up a Nacho in front of my mouth and I ate it, the Nacho was good but Carly fed it to me which made it better

After we cleaned the dishes we went back to her room and I settled there with her for the night, we were cuddling up together and I nuzzled my face at the crook of her neck "You smell like strawberries" I said to her

"It was a strawberry-scented soap that Jana gave to me as a get well soon gift, do you not like it?" She asked me and I shake my head

Carly's POV
"You smell delicious" he teased and I feel my face burn, "Stop teasing" I mumbled

He raise his head a bit to me and leaned in for a good night kiss

"Alright I'll stop, sweet dreams love"

I yawned "You too" I looked at him lovingly with droopy sleepy eyes before I doze off

••••••••••Next Morning••••••••••••

I felt a tickle at my back like it is from the feathers in the pillow but I realized that the pillows here do not have feathers inside of them, so I opened my eyes to see Leo tracing my back with his fingertips while he was listening to music in his earphones

My T-shirt panjama was up from my back so skin from behind is exposed to the cold air and his fingertips, he removed his headphones and beamed at me "Good morning lovely"

I smiled at him and I grabbed his hand to kiss the back of it, the loud waves from the ocean were a great way to greet me in the morning. The balcony window was wide open and I can see the view of the shoreline from the bed

"Your Aunt and Cousin told me that they were going to buy groceries today and your uncle is just outside relaxing under the sun" he explained as he puts the hair that was hanging to hide my face behind my ear

I slowly sat up and stretched "I wanna go swimming"

Leo's POV
"We can but you have to eat breakfast first"

Carly's bedhead was a funny sight to see, it's almost like a furball that was glued on top of her head and she will look that way every time she wakes up. The moment she tried to stand up she tripped and fell on the wooden floor, I quickly helped her to sit back on the bed

"What happened?" I asked as I inspect to see if she has any injuries, she scratched the back of her neck and gave me a sheepish grin "I guess my legs were sleepy that they decided not to function properly right now" she laughed

I took the liberty to carry her to the bathroom and sat her on the bathroom sink so she can wash her face and brush her teeth. I handed her the toothbrush that was in her bag and we started doing our hygiene together

Carly's told me that her legs felt like they can now function properly so I didn't need to carry her to the kitchen to make breakfast, as it turns out, her uncle already made breakfast and he made too many mini pancakes that he gave the rest to us

She went to the cupboard to find the pancake syrup "Our friends will be puzzled as to why we aren't home yet after-prom yesterday"

"I already told Mom about this beforehand so I can't imagine Ross' and Kevin's faces once they find out" I answered, Mom was the only person who knows where we would be going after the prom just in case if something happens she'll know where we'll be

Carly told about this to her Dad
"Hey love, how did your Dad react about this sudden trip?"

She turned to me "He hesitated at first because his teenage daughter would be spending the 3 days with her boyfriend at his brother's beachside home"

"He is more worried about our mothers planning our wedding in advance"

"What's this about a wedding I hear?" We heard a male voice and it was Carly's uncle who was carrying a magazine and sunglasses, he puts both of them down on the kitchen island to open the fridge to get iced water

Carly used one hand to lean on the kitchen counter to face him "You see my Mom and his Mom planned an advanced wedding just in case and my Dad just found out about it when I was in the hospital"

The uncle almost spat out his drink when he heard that the wedding that was planned is ours "What on earth did your mother eat this time?" He frantically asked her

She chuckled and patted his shoulder "She eats normal human food Uncle Bernard" she assured him before going back to the bedroom to get something which left me to be alone with her Uncle

He eyes me suspiciously as he sips his drink "What did my niece give you to be her boyfriend? Cause I know for a fact that she is an ambivert but more on the introvert side" he sat across from me

I swallowed down the pancake before answering "She didn't bribe me anything sir, I just love her" before going back to eat the mini pancakes

It's already common sense that if a guy is already head over heels in love with a girl, he is willing to sacrifice his safety to protect and be with his girlfriend

I'm willing to bet everything just so she can be safe but I'm not gonna do it in a stupid way like in those movies that's for sure

Author's Note:
Hey guys! I might not update much next week because it's my exam week so I apologize to my loyal readers of this story

In the meantime, as you guys wait, you all can check out my other stories to keep yourselves busy

Love you all ♡

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