Dictator Of The Kitchen

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Carly's POV
"You seriously don't know?" Leo told me in a confided way as we walk together through the school corridors, I nodded to him in response

After the guys decided to barge into my house because they said they wanted to take us to school, I told Leo about my theories of anyone that could be Elijah right now
"Yes Honey" His punishment already ended so yeah, he takes delight right now in me calling him back to his favourite nickname that only I can say. Other people still look at me funny when I say his nickname out loud

"But if that's true then where should we start looking?" he asked as he took a French fry from another persons paper bag but the person didn't mind and just let him he, I put on a thinking face to where we should start hunting this potential psycho maniac

Just when I needed Merlin the most he suddenly pops up, he graced us with his presence walking through the corridor with the rest of his team. So I guess when walking with a large group of people you look powerful

Since Leo is now taken, Merlin is now the new sugar eye candy of the school and everybody is waiting for what he would do next. Leo is still fairly popular but he didn't want the attention anymore because he told me it was "too distracting"

But I will be honest here he thought his popularity has gone down but when he started dating me his popularity shoot up and destroyed my metaphorical roof, people gossip about it as if it was the daily news of the century. Many girls still give me dirty looks as I pass by them and many guys were curious to see what I look like which makes it hard for me to keep my privacy

Ross is still down in the dumps, wondering why he is not much popular like Leo or Merlin did. Hunter told him the painful truth that he was not that attractive and Ross announced to all of us that he will be working out, we just encouraged him because he needs some distraction

Kevin though was making an effort to try and talk to Stacy again, Stacy this time acknowledges his existence but is still not responding to him back. I gave them the opportunity when I told everyone that we should walk faster to leave both Kevin and Stacy behind

As soon as Merlin put his stuff in the locker his eyes landed on Me and Leo so he waved at us, I gestured him to come over and he did with a confused face. I leaned over and so did the two of them
"Merlin, can you ask your Mom if she has some information as to where Elijah's childhood home location is?" I whisper that only the three of us can only hear

"I'll try because this time Mom is really busy right now" he told me with a sheepish grin
"That's okay it's understandable" I told Merlin

Merlin's teammates were calling and he waved bye to us as he ran to them, we heard the bell ring so Leo bended down to me and he took the initiative to give me a quick kiss before he left to get something first in his locker

Leo's POV
As soon as Carly left to go to our first-period class my phone rang and I took the call in an empty classroom
"Hey, Damien could you look up Elijah Audelair's childhood location?" I asked my Mom's assistant

"Of course sir and Miss Xavier told me to relay a message to you" he told me
"What is it?"

"The Company Christmas Party will start soon so this time I left to you all the planning this year" I heard Mom's voice at the other line, I pinched the bridge of my nose
"Why do I have to plan it this year?"

"You lazy bum, you are going to inherit the company and you're not even that interested?" She asked me
"If you don't like the company that much maybe you should go back working with Alfonso" she added

"Mom not Alfonso please, that chef is like the dictator of the kitchen" I pleaded with her when I was training to know the ropes of the company and to have employee experience I have to work with Alfonso which is very scary. He might be the long lost twin brother of Gordon Ramsay from the way he speaks throughout the kitchen

"I would rather work back with old lady Isabella" I told her
Old lady Isabella is the head caretaker of our whole company and although she is very old like ancient people type of old, she is more energetic than me after inspecting every nook and cranny of the company building

"I can't believe my own son would rather become the janitor of his own company than become the owner" she sighs and I can imagine what type of face she would be making

I chuckled as my eyes wander around the empty classroom
"I'm kidding Mom, I'll try my best to plan the party" I assure her, Dad was always the one who helps Mom take care of her company. While Mom was at work, Dad was in charge of taking care of and watching us

So imagine the stress Mom would go through because Dad isn't around anymore, I still haven't healed from that scarring trauma of that night

"Hey Mom, do you mind if Carly can sleepover at the house? You know since you would still be in Seattle for 2 more days, just to watch over Kathrina and so we can have company" I asked for her permission, yes I'm a grown-up but I still need her permission because I am still living under her roof. Mom is on a business trip for 3 days so it wouldn't take that long

She gave out a hearty laugh at the other end of the line
"Alright I'll let you, I'll just call Brooke about it so she knows. Just remember that you guys should use protection, I don't want to become a grandma yet when I come back" she joked and giggled

"MOM!!" I said loudly and she laughed some more, my ears are burning from what she is saying to me right now

"I'll call you back later, love you bye" I quickly ended the call, it got too awkward for me to handle. I guess my Mom and Carly's Mom are now besties

I sneaked into the classroom while the teacher has his back turn on us as she is writing something on the board, I put down the bag under my table and sat quickly as I took a quick kiss at Carly's cheek to which she reacted with a smile

"So what the heck is that formula that she wrote on the board?" I asked Carly in our Chemistry class, she shrugs at me

We both gave each other sheepish smiles, we have something in common again

We are bad at chemistry and yet our chemistry is doing great

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