I Will Stick To You Like Glue

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Carly's POV
Two days have already passed since the incident and word got out through town, people were scared and anxious. The case of Kevin has reached the police and now we are called who are involved in this incident

We got the call that morning that we are going to be interviewed as of what happened that led up to Kevin being found left to die in the woods, Me and Leo returned at dawn at my home, we found out that everyone in my family hasn't got a wink of sleep except Kathrina who sleeps like a baby in Jasper's bed while Jasper was wide awake in his room and stood to stand guard

Neither me nor my friends went to school since we were still not in the right state to go there and be bombarded with classmates asking us and never-ending school works, the case got out of control that nearby towns and their media have to go to the place where Kevin was stabbed and report it to the news

Libby came back quickly as soon as she got the news, she came to our doorstep panting and was drenched in sweat. Stacy was hiding in her room and is refusing to come out no matter how much persuasion I make, her parents even tried to talk to her in her room but they told me she won't respond

Brittney is still going to the psychiatrist more often with Hunter, if you ask me it seems like their relationship is more close now. I think I even heard Hunter call Brittney "Goldie" after we discovered that Brittney has an unhealthy obsession with golden retrievers, we found that out after we went through her new room in her room are grandmothers

The wall has pictures of many golden retrievers and the mini clock she has by her bedside has a golden retriever holding the time, Ross talks to Merlin like he is his therapist. The surprising part is that Merlin's career dream is to be a therapist so he is practising himself well in helping Ross

Ross on the other hand is still on a mental breakdown after he came back from the hospital, he told Merlin that he was filled with guilt that he couldn't do anything to help Kevin and he felt useless

There is also very shocking news as soon as we got home from the hospital, Leo's home was broken in but nothing inside was broken or stolen. I was scared to the core and my spine shiver at the thought that if we didn't leave the place that night maybe we will be in the same position as Kevin is right now

Kevin is still asleep but is doing well, I can hear my name being repeated over and over again. I raised my head to Leo who was kneeling at my front looking up at me
"You seem to be dozing off a lot lately, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

I was sitting on the bed and I realize that I was staring at my lap for a long time, he used his hand to cup one side of my face. I did the same to Leo but I used both of my hands to cup his face
"What about you? Your house was broken into and our friend is in the hospital. I know you are more stressed than me"

He pulled out his hand from cupping my face and he hugged me by my waist and rested his head on my lap since he was sitting now on the floor and I was on the bed so he was in a comfortable position. I slipped my hand in his t-shirt and went to massage his broad back a little

He gave out a relaxed sigh as I kept massaging his back, he has been worrying so much lately when at this age we shouldn't be even worried about our lives when we should be going out, having fun and making memories

I was the cause of all of this and the guilt built up more inside me, tears welled up in my eyes. My fingers combed Leo's hair, He was silent and I think he is asleep
"I'm sorry" I whispered

Holding back tears is hard, really hard
"I'm so sorry" I said it again
"You shouldn't be here, ALL of you shouldn't be here"

Leo's hand move to hold my hand that was combing through his soft hair, he lifted his head. Before he could see my face I wiped my tears quickly and blinked my eyes multiple times to make my tears in my eyes disappear
"I saw that, it's not your fault love"

He said it with so much care, he was looking at me straight in the eyes, his eyes although tired is filled with hope and enthusiasm
"They were looking for you before you even know all of this, so we got in this together and we are going to get out of it hand in hand got that?" He raised a brow at me as he stood up and sat beside me on my bed

I nodded slowly, I was unsure of the outcome of this goose chase but I hope it will end with all of us alive. He gave me a soft kiss on the forehead
"Don't worry, I know what I am getting into before I fell for you so don't even think about breaking up with me and sh*t like that cheesy rom-com we watched"

I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckle
"They did for their safety"

He shared his head a little
"That only made their situation worse" he grabbed my hand tightly
"I will stick to you like glue so don't even think of having the thought of leaving me"

He kissed my hand and I giggled, we heard a knock at my door. Matt opened it to let himself in
"The detectives are here"

I inhaled a sharp breath, I was nervous. I glanced at Leo
"Don't worry I will be here"

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