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Carly's POV
So after school, Leo decided to ask me if I wanted to have a sleepover at his house
"Hold on I'll call Mom" I told him

I dialled Mom's number and she picked up quickly like she was waiting for me to call
"Hey Mom" I greeted her and she chuckled

"You can go, I already told your father"
"What? How?" I was extremely confused because I don't remember telling about this beforehand

"Libby told me just remember to use protection" she teased and my face flushed that Leo noticed it too, he smirked at me which made me even more embarrassed

"Mom stop" I pleaded with her but Mom doesn't sound like she is going to stop soon
"Remember when doing the posi-" I ended the call quickly as I gave out a sigh of relief
"Sorry Mom but I'll call you later" I said in my head

"Don't you dare" I squinted my eyes at Leo who looks like he is about to say a dirty joke, he shook his head and put on an innocent face

"Yeah, you won't fool me with that pretend innocent face of yours" I told him as I walk away with him tailing me

•••••Few Minutes Later•••••

We finally arrived at his house, it never ceases to amaze me at how bigger his house is than a regular one, it is not even a mansion to begin with also

As soon as he opened the door I can hear little footsteps running toward us, I saw Kathrina peek behind a wall looking at me and giggling
"Hi Kath" I grinned at her and she ran to hug me

"Pretty Lady you're here!!" She said loudly, she then went in to show me her stuffed toy collection in the living room. I feel something nudging my arm and I saw "Bruce!" I said happily seeing the prized duck that Leo won at the fair

"And he has a pink bow tie" I said as I fixed the bow on Bruce's neck
"Yeah, it made him look prettier" Kathrina said proudly

Leo lifted Bruce up
"Yeah he looks pretty" he complimented, I suddenly remember that we have a simple research assignment to do
"Hey Leo do you have a laptop that I could borrow?" I asked him as he is in the kitchen preparing snacks

"No need Pretty Lady, you could borrow mines" Kathrina ran to her room and came out with a MacBook that has a corgi and bunny stickers all over it
"Thanks Kath" I said to her and she looks so excited for me to open it

When I opened the Macbook the background picture is Leo's entire family, his dad is also in the pic
"You look so much like your dad" I told Leo as I look at how similar their features are

"He acts like him too" Kathrina added which made me laugh a little, Leo ruffled Kathrina's hair as he sat beside me on the huge rug. His eyes scanned the picture and are now filled with sadness, me and Kathrina glanced at each other sensing his sullen mood

Kathrina gave me a wink and she hugged Leo by the waist and I follow suit as I hugged him around the neck as I bury my face at the crook of his neck, he was caught off at what we just did and he laughed a little
"I love you guys"

"I know" Kathrina answered confidently which made me and Leo laugh

My heart begin to swell with happiness at what he said to us and we both gave him a kiss on the cheek

Leo's POV
Mom Is in abroad and Dad is gone but with Carly here I feel like she is a new addition to my family, Kathrina is also by my side through the tough times. As Kathrina crawled out from her seat to reach the plate filled with sliced pineapple, while Kathrina has her back at us Carly instantly gave me a quick kiss "love you too" she smiled at me

She puts her head on my shoulder and we enjoyed each others company in front of the warm fire from the fireplace, I can start to imagine it

Me and Carly living together and there are mini us running around the house creating chaos and we run after them, I put my arm around Carly and she nuzzled her face around my neck

Kathrina was too distracted playing games on her laptop that she was supposed to Carly borrow but we will just do the assignment later
"Just a little bit more, we will be okay"  I said in my head as I kissed Carly's temple

I am scared to death of what will happen to all of us if we get closer to the truth, I might lose all of my important friends or worse Carly. I hugged Carly tighter
"I hate this situation" I said in my head filled with anger

Carly's POV
Leo hugged me tighter, I can sense something is wrong with him. I pulled away from the big and I look at his face, his eyes were filled with worry

I cupped his face with one hand and caressed his cheek with my thumb, he seems to relax a bit. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of me caressing his face

"Let's watch a movie and after that, I can make us food" I whispered to Leo and he gave me a lazy smile
"Sounds like a plan but remember don't overdo if ever you wanted to add something like last time"

I playfully hit him in the arm remembering our spicy tofu sisig back at the lake house
"So what do you guys want for me to make?" I asked both the sibling and Kathrina puts on a thinking face

"I want cupcakes" Kathrina's mouth looks like it is salivating
"I can make those but cupcakes are for desserts" I boop Kathrina's nose who face is now giving me a cheeky smile just like the way Leo did

"I've been craving curry and fried chicken for a while now" he kissed my neck, which made my cheeks warm
"Alright I can make that" I said in a raspy voice

"You sound like you're sick are you ok pretty lady?" Kathrina asked me, she didn't see Leo kiss my neck and her innocence is showing

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered her as I gave Leo a quick glare

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