They Should Die

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Carly's POV
Matt was driving me to the detective's office. Leo, Sean, and Jasper were all are squeezed at the back

It felt like a long ride when everybody is spent in the car, Matt must be a psychopath for not even allowing his car radio to be turned on because he did it would "Distract him from the road"

I don't know what he is talking about but I just wished he has a more better explanation than saying "He can't see the road due to loud music" like seriously, what is that gonna do? Does the music cover your eyes!?

Throughout the car ride, the boys at the back were shoving each other. So when Leo opened his side of the door he fell out and down to the concrete ground, I hopped out and ran around the car to help him "You ok? Sorry, my brothers, they're just..." I can't find the right words to explain the rowdiness of the three boys that I was put up to live with all my life

He dusted off the dirt on his pants "It's ok, Sean was saying something stupid that Jasper has to secretly jab his side with his elbow and it end up on me getting involved too" he chuckled to himself

We all hurried speed ran to the detective's office and he prepared tea for all of us "Welcome to my small office kids" he beamed at us as he did his little jazz hands to emphasize us to look at his neat office

"You call this small?" Jasper looked around with his eyes wide, we all are surprised at the tower of books, files, and other stuff being stacked on one another that has made it into a tower

There was even a large TV inside his so-called 'Small office' that our TV is only half of his TV size "This place is almost the size of the living room, which is the largest room in the house" Sean was still in awe because the furniture used for the office we assumed is expensive because you won't find a long L-shaped leather couch laying around a 2nd hand furniture store

We sat on the leather couch and drank the early grey tea he offered to us, the detective sat on a sofa that is opposite from us. He pulled out a folder and laid it on the table "I'm sure you might remember something of this place" he was referring to me

So I slowly took the folder and checked the contents, I first pulled out a picture and it was an enormous mansion that could pass off like a castle "A castle?"

If I remember correctly, the sudden memory that I acquired recently is that I was in a palace-looking place "I probably remember a bit about this" I mumbled, the Detective had to lean in close just to hear me properly. Leo took the liberty to explain to the detective all the memories that I could only tell him, my brothers were shocked to even hear about it

"Why didn't you tell us? We're your brothers for Goodness sake!" Matt said to me loudly as he slammed his hand on the coffee table which startled me

"Matt we could talk this out don't scare her" Leo put one of his arms around me and rubbed my arm to soothe me, Matt has a vein-popping at his neck before he took slow breathes and calmed down

Sean patted his back "Calm down, you're gonna scare our sister"

Matt ruffled his hair that it turned messy, Jasper looked at me in the eyes and said "If you're going down, we're going down together you got that? As a family you idiot" he flicked my forehead

"Sorry guys" I said quietly as I fiddle with my hand

"The castle is located at a remote island that is hidden behind a mountain of boulders, that is why it was hard to find it. They must have relocated to that area" the detective explained to us

"So how are we going to proceed with this operation? We are dealing with a mad scientist here who kills and experiments on children for fun" Leo told him with a serious face

The detective explained what will happen "We have garnered enough evidence to get a search warrant so we could enter the castle, the only thing left to do is visit them and search the entire castle leaving no room untouched" he assured us with  genuine eyes, his words comforted me

"I have evidence that Liz could be involved in this" Leo said and he sighed in frustration, K raised a brow at him "Liz? How is she involved in all of this?" I asked him frantically

He gulped before hesitantly answering me "Ther is a photo that your Mom and Dad has hidden from you, in the photos it was you, Liz, and Elijah"

No that can't be true, that sweet woman is the wife of my insane biological dad!?

The detective pulled out another photo from the folder and it was the same photo that Leo was talking about "Your parents submitted this photo to me"

It was Liz, her facial features have changed but her eyes remained the same. The man in the photo is none other than Elijah

He was grinning that could have almost fooled anyone who don't know him as a child killer, his soft blue eyes that were the exact same color as mine and Liz's brunettes hair were the same match as little me who also has Brunette hair

I was not smiling in the photo, the eyes of little me in the photo has no shine or even life in them it felt like everything she knew is always the harsh reality of living with the two mentally deranged people. I'm surprised I haven't committed murder as a child before from all the harsh treatment they gave me

"They should die" I said, there is something in me that wanted to end it all in my own hands

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