The Horror

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Carly's POV
I was a bit lost in my own thought on the ride home because I thought Liz was a sweet person, she was supposed to be the type that I would run to ask for advice but I guess she might advise me to commit indirect murder without me even having a clue. She must be enjoying herself as she watches her clueless daughter follow her

My brothers keep giving me worried looks after I said my last sentence that they should die, Leo try to start up random topics but it always ended me with a nod or a small smile as I went back to doze off into my thoughts again. We came back home and told our parents about what happened, Leo stayed behind with me in the living room while my brothers went to Dad's home office to discuss the matter

He kissed the knuckles of my hand "You scared me there for a second when you said those words, I almost thought you might commit murder"

I lay my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes "I'm the daughter of two insane people, it will be no surprise if their own daughter will kill them since they didn't even hesitate on experimenting on me. Their own flesh and blood"

Leo's POV
Something about the way Carly was talking right now was sending shivers down my spine, it felt like she was slowly losing her sanity. I was afraid for her and slightly at her

She might do it and I don't want to see her behind bars, her eyes are closed and her head was rested on my shoulder but the way her body is positioned was now alert. I made a joke "You do know bright orange is not a good color for you right?"

She laughed "Yeah I know, only Stacey and Sage can pull those colors off along with Natasha"

Carly's POV
"And I think Brittney might even pull off a bright hot pink color" he joined in on my laugh

"Yeah, I saw her once wear a hot pink skirt and I didn't even know it would match with her navy long-sleeved top"

He made a dramatic gasp "The horror"

We joked more and the stress of the situation has been done for a while, I kissed him on the lips "I'm not gonna let you wear a bright orange outfit, got that?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at him, he gave me a funny look

"I wasn't planning to, you on another hand" he pointed to my forehead "looks like you are going to do it"

I blew a raspberry and rolled my eyes "Are you getting those weird thoughts again?" I put both hands on my waist and tilted my head to the left, he shook his head profusely "No, no, no, I was starting to think about it"

I squinted my eyes at him "You sure? cause you look like you are gonna tie me down once the search warrant is approved" I laughed at his shocked face

Leo pointed to himself "Was I too obvious?"

"Yeah you are" I heard my Dad walk into the living room

"Hey kiddo" he pinched my cheek before sitting on the sofa, he seated himself properly before looking at us and changing his happy-go-lucky Dad demeanor to a serious one "Did the detective have said anything else during the conversation?" He asked Leo

Leo shook his head "I assumed that the brothers already told you that the detective showed us the castle"

My Dad put a hand under his chin and ponder about something, Mom walked in and gave Dad a cup of coffee and a kiss on the cheek before going to the garden to check on the flowers. We heard a loud knock on the door and I stood up to answer it, Stacey was at the door holding a box

I look at the white box that she is holding with two hands "What's the box for?" She rolled her eyes and sighed disappointingly "You forgot? It's Jana's Birthday you absolute fool"

I slapped my face as soon as I realized that she was holding the birthday cake inside the box, I was so preoccupied with my situation that I had forgotten my sweet best friend's birthday "I'll swing by her house, I'll just buy a birthday present" I said and she nodded

"It's a surprise birthday so you better hurry Myers" she ran to Jana's house immediately

"Dad I'll be out for a minute, I need to buy a present!" I said loudly that it echoed throughout the house

Jasper opens his door and poked his head out "Who's birthday is it?" He asked, he always do that one to all of the birthday parties and will just eat the food being offered to guest

"It's Jana's" I said. Soon after I said that Sean walked out of his room holding a huge birthday present and flaunt it In front of me "You better hurry sis" he gave me a smug smile and hopped out of the house happily

I took Leo's car keys from his pocket and pecked him on the cheek "I'm gonna borrow your car, can I?"

He nodded "Just drive safely alright?" I nodded and kissed Dad on the cheek too before running out of the house in a hurry and starting the ignition of the car

Jana is that girl who liked weird stuff and she treasures every gift that is given to her, I'm not gonna be that friend who just buys crappy stuff and calls it a birthday gift. I gotta think hard on what to give to her

I stopped by the mall and went to her favorite shop which is Bath and Body Works, I bought her a glittery bath bomb with a surprise ring inside, a scented vanilla soap that is shaped like a teddy bear, and a perfume

I'm sure she will like this, she liked to take a bath often if I remember correctly during our childhood days, Jana would have an unlimited amount of scented soaps because she always begged her parents to buy one every time they pass by that store so her parents created a route to avoid the store at all cost

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