I'm More Cuter Than Her

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Leo's POV
I ran as fast as I could to reach the clinic while carrying Carly, both of her hands were held at her chest as she was struggling to breath
"We're here" I said to her ear

As I set her down at the clinic bed the nurses who were at the clinic did first aid on her but it was still useless, I felt useless

She was struggling to breathe but I was not able to do anything, Stacy called up an ambulance and they arrived quickly taking Carly on a stretcher
"It seems going to the hospital is now common to me" I said in my thought as I try to help Carly calm down but her heart rate kept building up until her BPM was 190

She struggled to tell the paramedics that her chest felt so right she couldn't breathe, she was panicking even more so I grabbed her hand and massaged it a bit to let her know I was in the ambulance with her

Her eyes are watery and I felt her pulse at her wrist and it was really beating fast "You're going to be alright" I calmly told her

In all honesty, I was more panicked because I don't know what to do but I was putting up a calm front for her to calm down. We reached the hospital and where Sean was admitted so her parents were at the ER the moment we arrived

The doctors came to help her, many of them were gathered around her. Her pulse has risen at 213 beats per minute

Calm down

Calm down

Calm down

I assured myself as I patted Brooke's back who was beside Carly and calming her daughter down, Tyler wasn't looking good either. Both of their children are in the hospital right now, so there are no goods about it

It took the doctors 2 hours to help her make her heart rate go down with the help of medication, she was now resting in deep sleep. I can't believe that everything that is happening like in those stupid Romance thriller movies is happening to me

Carly was asleep but I could hear her mumble quietly my name as her brows furrowed, I kissed her forehead  "I'm here"

The furrowed brows stopped and she now looks at peace in sleeping, I hovered my ear over her chest to hear her heartbeat. Her heartbeat is now beating at a normal pace

Carly's POV
I felt something wet drop on my hand, my chest was a bit lighter now and I can breathe fine

There was jet black hair as the first thing I saw the moment I opened my eyes, Leo was hovering his head at my chest trying hard not to get close to it and I could hear him silently crying

More tears kept falling at my hand and the need to comfort him grew more in me so I built up the strength to lift my arm just to put my fingers in his hair, he quickly wiped away his tears and turned to face me with a smile "hey love" he greeted me as he sat up

He pretended like nothing happened which raised my concern more for him, he kissed the back of my hand and told me that the doctor would be back to give me a check-up

Leo's POV
Carly gave me a small smile from her half-asleep eyes as she took my hand and kissed the back of it "thank you" she told me in a whisper

I just wanted to protect her but here I am in a hospital sitting at her bedside, "I must be the worst boyfriend" I said in my head

"Honey, don't say that" she said to me as she cupped one side of my face, I guess I accidentally said my thoughts out loud

I nuzzled in her palms "but I am"

She answered "If you were, you would have left me a long time ago", I don't know about what part of that sentence made me feel better but it assured me that I was trying my best

I leaned in to kiss her forehead, then the tip of her nose and finally her lips. She looked at me lovingly after we kissed and we heard footsteps coming near us

"The doctor must be here" she said, it was not the doctor but it was Jasper who came in holding a box that has a chocolate cake slice

"Is that for me?" She asked Jasper and he shaked his head
"No, this must be for your wardmate beside you" he answered sarcastically

"Of course this is for you, you dumbass" he said before putting the box at her lap

He gave me and Carly a small salute before he left the ward "some brother you have" I said which made her hit my hand lightly

"At least he brought cake" she chirped happily

"Do you want me to make your food?" I asked her and her eyes lit up more than when Jasper brought the cake

"Make me your speciality food" she demanded and of course I will do it, she is my girlfriend after all

I don't usually cook food for other people unless it is for my family, my job and Carly who recently became my girlfriend. "Consider this an honour" I joked and she slightly laughed

"Yes, yes, whatever" she rolled her eyes making me kiss her ear, her whole face turned red quickly "her ears are sensitive, better note that" I did a mental note if there is ever a time I wanted to tease her again

"Teasing you is fun" I whispered in her ear and she responded to me with "I know some of your secrets don't even try" she giggled

"Wha- who told you then hm?" I raised a brow at her

"No other than your cute little sister of course" she booped the tip of my nose

I blew a raspberry "I'm more cuter than her" I muttered which made her grin

"True" she winked at me

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