Wheelchair Buddy!!

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Leo's POV
"What's taking you guys so long!?" Kevin yelled loudly from the ground as he looked up at us at the second-floor window

He sighed "If you guys don't come down imma just wheel myself to Carly's house" he continued to wheel himself off the lawn and Hunter managed to stop him before he reached the side of the road, the fact he has the balls to even go to Carly's home by himself on the wheelchair is just pure determination

"Alright you impatient patient" I said down to him and flipped me off

We all ran down with excitement to see the girls, Mom and Kathrina were already in a car "Aight boys get in" she said and we hoped in and as for Kevin we just tied a rope on his wheelchair and hope for the best

He even requested for it "Nah just tie the wheelchair up and we're good to go"

We all shrugged and did his request, from the looks of it from the backseat I can see him enjoying the wind and was yelling like a madman. The car stopped slowly at the front of Carly's home and my anticipation to see her in a prom dress grows more

My hand unconsciously went to straighten my tie before I stepped out of the car, Brooke and Tyler came out to greet us with Matt who came out holding a Nikon camera. I was surprised that Sean was in a wheelchair and when he saw Kevin

"WHEELCHAIR BUDDY!!" He said loudly with both of his arms raised up with excitement

"HEY BRO!" Kevin returned the same excitement as Sean and they wheeled closer together to get a high five, Jasper was talking to Kathrina again who was holding Bruce as she introduce it to Jasper

Jeremy draped an arm over me "So a wedding huh?" He teased me with both of his brows wiggling and he has a smug grin, I hit him lightly at the side using my elbow and I walked off to the front door

All of us entered and waited in the living room

Carly's POV
"Is everybody ready?" I asked them after I wore the black peeped toe high heels and stood by the door

After Brittney and Sage helped us get ready we helped them in return and they both look stunning, we all look stunning today. Sage was wearing a suit but it has his Sage style incorporated in it that making it seem
like it was tailored for him that matched his personality

Brittney wore a royal blue high slit dress that showed off her long legs

"Yes Carly, we are ready a few hours ago" Brittney said to me with a mocking voice, I rolled my eyes at her and twisted the doorknob to open the door. We could hear everyone downstairs talking to each other loudly, Sage gave some of us detachable long sleeves to cover our arms and all of the fabric are matched with a small detachable square one to cover our cleavage so we could remove them later after we leave the house

Natasha went to show herself first then we followed after her the first person we could hear is her Mom yelling "Yas! That's my girl" and she took photos of her as she walked down the stairs, Brittney went next and my Mom took many photos of her too since My Mom visited Brittney's Mom at the psychiatric hospital before and made a close relationship

Sage and Stacy went down together and I was last tailing them from behind, our Mom's made us line up for a group photo and we posed ourselves nicely. The boys however were speechless, Leo's eyes were glued to me and his mouth was slightly parted

I chuckled waving at him and took small steps to get to him since the heels were hard to walk in "You look handsome today" I complimented him happily

My eyes went to Stacy who was standing in front of Kevin who has his eyes wide at her, a small smile was formed on my lips. My heard turned to look at Leo and he took a quick kiss from me "You look lovely as a flower Love" his hand went to my waist and pulled me closer to him

We heard someone clear their throat and it was Dad who was eyeing Leo specifically after our quick kiss "Bring her back by 10 young man"

Mom was quick to give Dad the look, I was already graduating High School but that doesn't mean that my parents won't be worried about me. He gave both of my parents a cheeky grin, my friends other family members also told them about what time they should be home

"Yes sir" Leo gave him a small salute before intertwining his hand with mine and we both walked out of the house with others following us afterwards, the boys drove us to school and parked together at the same row in a parking lot

The girls and I sighed in relief with Sage fanning himself with his hand to ease his nerves "Finally we got through them, alright ladies hand them to me"

The boys looked at each other confused as they exchange with each other their odd faces, we started removing all the detachable cover that was to blatantly cover our risque dresses. Leo's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the true form that I was going for, I can't even tell what reaction Merlin and Hunter was making after they saw Brittney's and Natasha's dress

Kevin covered his mouth with one hand when Stacy removed the last detachable sleeve and dropped it in the bag that Sage was holding, Jeremy was not even hiding his reaction as both of his eyebrows were raised and he looks at her up and down. Leo put one hand to cover his face and the other like a stop sign "Hold on a minute, so this is what you guys were hiding?" He asked us

We all nodded
"Can't blame us though, our parents would freak out if we show them our dresses" I answered and shrugged at him

"I knew there was something wrong when I saw all of your dresses because the designs felt so off" Hunter crossed his arms as he found out his assumption was right

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