Fate Is Annoying As It Gets

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Carly's POV
We walk home with a lot of shopping bags, I swear I will become more muscular than Leo if I did this every day. This is literally the embodiment of 'Shop till you Drop'

The thing that amazes me more is that all three of my shopaholic friends are not even tired not even a tiny bit, I should've just gone with the guys because right now my back and feet hurts. We did take a cab but in the mall we have to walk around in many different stores, their eyes are set on dresses as for me I am looking for the bench every damn time.

When we finally reached my home they decided to just stay over for the night since they themselves do not have enough energy to go home
"That was tiring" I commented as I sat on my bean bag chair

"We should've gone home an hour ago but one of us has forgotten to buy something and it took her a long time to decide" Natasha looked at Brittney

"What? It's hard to choose between hot pink and velvet red" she answered as she pulls out the dress that she chose for the prom

"Brittney that was just underwear" Stacy groaned, she must feel frustrated since she wants to also go home but she is also the reason why it took us longer because Stacy brought out another set of underwear that has different colour and style

"It's not just underwear, my mood depends on my underwear" Brittney crossed her hands at Stacy

"Now that we are at Carly's home maybe we should try what makeup look would look best on us for prom" Natasha said and she dialled someone on her phone

She called Jana and invited her over to my home

"Hey guys" Stacy spoke up as she was looking at herself from my full body mirror
"Did you guys felt like someone was following us?" She asked us

"You felt it too?" Brittney asked her with a surprised look on her face, while shopping we felt like we are being watched. It sounds ridiculous since we are in the mall and there are a lot of people, some of them will look at us but not follow us

I felt a shiver down my spine, I was scared and nervous
"Do you think that maybe he is still alive?" Natasha has fear written all over her face

"That's stupid since Anna told us that he was dead a long time ago" I reassured her but in reality, I was getting the same feeling and suspicion that he might be alive today

I sat on the bed and side hugged Natasha, she was scared shitless of what might happen to all of us. We went to a place that we shouldn't have gone and we are now paranoid

"Now, now, we have the guys remember? They were also in his too" Britt said as she now came out of my bathroom with her prom dress, she did look amazing in her prom dress since the dress hugged her body so well it made sure to show all her curves

"Guys maybe we shouldn't try to go further about this Audelair mystery thing" I suggested to them, I'm scared to lose the people who I cared for

"Are you kidding me Myers? There are children who are being experimented on and we can't even avenge their pain and suffering?" Stacy was right and Natasha have to agree with her

"And more importantly, you are front and center of one of his experiments. If you can't do this for the children at least do this to avenge yourself" I can't believe that one day the people that I have to agree with is Brittney but she was right, there might be a lot of children victims at the hands of that man

"Fate is annoying as it gets" I muttered under my breath

Jana finally came, I know this because she came into my room without knocking and started eating my hidden stash of candies
"You should slow down or else you might choke on those hard candies" Natasha said to her as she tries in her new lipstick

"As If I would pass up the chance to eat this, besides my brother would keep his promise of bringing Carly a lot of these candies after the dare" she answered as she stuff her mouth more of it

Brittney walked up to Jana and suddenly pulled out a tape measure
"What the hell!?" Can't stood up quickly and try to walk away from Brittney but Brittney wouldn't stop, they keep walking in circles in my room

"Britt what are you doing?" I asked as I lie sideways in my bed enjoying the scene unfolding in front if me

"I gotta know how the heck does she fit in a size 2 with those" she said as she got closer, Jana hid behind me

"Stacy how dare you say that to them!" She let out in a state of panic because Britt is not stopping anytime soon

Britt managed to catch her and the night turned out for all of us to compare our body size, which by the way was stressful


I heard someone knocking at my bedroom door, I lift my head up to see that my friends are sleeping in an flattering positions. The knock was soft and it doesn't seem like to stop soon

So I stood up and walk to the door as I stretch my arms and legs, when I opened the door I saw all the guys in our group of friends

I instantly closed the door and lock it quickly, my eyes were wide because I'm not worried about my friends being seen sleeping looking like they need air but the fact there are some underwear on the floor and a lot of our clothes are scattered everywhere just makes the guys touch oft clothes

I woke all of them up and told them that the boys are outside my bedroom door, if you have seen the flash maybe you might see my friends clean up faster like their lives depend on it. Each of us get's a turn in cleaning up ourselves in my bathroom while the rest cleans up my room

The effort to look nice and presentable is just *chef's kiss"

Author's Note:
Since exam week is finish I can update the story more now, I apologize if some you got impatient waiting


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