In His Good Looking Glory

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Carly's POV
Me and Leo sat with Merlin and Natasha who was eating happily, I don't know where did Stacy and Kevin go

I tapped Leo's hand that was holding mines and he shifted his attention to me quickly while he talks with another guy "I'll go look for Stacy, I'll be back quick" I told him and he nodded

"Be sure to hurry up because they will show the epic fails of the BATTLE FOR THE CROWN games"

I stood up quickly and searched for Stacy's show as not inside the Gym so I stepped out to look for her around campus, her not being seen made me more worried so I looked around more and I stumbled in front of a slightly opened door that was behind the gym. I peeked in to see Stacy bending down to Kevin's height since he was in a wheelchair and kissed him, I stopped looking immediately
Better give them privacy

I skipped a little all the way back to the prom in the gym and Leo looked at me with a confused look with a smile "Did something good happen?" He asked me as I sat down beside him

"Yeah, something good did happen" a grin was formed on my face

Brittney and Hunter were still fighting to see who gets the last cupcake that was on the tray at the buffet table, Natasha finished eating and asked "So what is this good thing that happened?"

"Can't tell you, it's a secret" I giggled, Leo held a spoon that has ice cream for me and I ate it. This was a great night but it was going to get better after prom is finished

The emcees stood up at the stage and turned on the video that happened during the games, it was hilarious to see Natasha so desperate to climb up on a slippery set of stairs that was drenched in cooking oil. Merlin was covered in mud as he keeps taking the ball from the opponent

Brittney and Hunter joined the game too, Brittney was in a tug of war of girls vs guys but since Brittney was working out she managed to make an epic win for the girls as the guys were on top of each other as they fell

Hunter put in a mirror maze memory game and everyone in the room was in awe as he managed to memorize all of the routes he used to find all the keys and managed to escape the room, he did it in a matter of under 30 minutes while many people struggled to even get out as they kept bumping their heads at the mirrors

They all escaped with either a bruise, a bump on their forehead, or even a nosebleed

"Thank goodness we didn't join or else we would end up as hospital roommates" he joked to my ear and we both laughed

"If we did become roommates in a hospital ward you know how we are going to spend the nights together"

He gave me a smug look "Yeah, like doing-" I covered his mouth and gave him the look "No not that Honey" I told him

No one can be safe from his dirty mind I swear, Merlin first bumped Leo as he seemed to get what Leo didn't get to finish his sentence. Me and Natasha looked at each other before rolling our eyes at the same time

The emcees called up Brittney and Hunter to the stage since they won and was crowned prom king and queen, Brittney gave all of us confused look like "What the hell am I doing here" face

Hunter just gave his crown to Sage afterward who was happy as he took so many selfies of himself, the prom ended and everyone went out of the Gym to go home. Me and Leo looked at each other as we ran to his car and took our comfortable clothes in the trunk to change in before we hopped in the car

"I'm excited to see him again" I told Leo, we were going to visit my Uncle  Bernard that lives beside the beach that is a bit far from here so we packed up for a three-day stay. I told him beforehand that Leo is coming so he could prepare a room

We sang to songs that were on shuffle as 2 hours goes by so fast that, one of Leo's hands was on the starting wheel while the other was on my thigh. I don't mind it at all

I opened a bag of chips and feed him as his eyes were busy looking at the road ahead of us, we stopped by a gas station to get some snacks and to fuel the car up then we're back on our mini road trip

A few hours later we have arrived at the beach house front by 1 AM, we were tired from the ride, and thank goodness that Uncle Bernard ran out to help us as soon as we stepped out of the car. My cousin Jared who was wide awake opened the gates to the parking lot of their home for Leo to park his car

Aunt Suzy was asleep on the couch but was startled awake when her husband closed the door and the lock made a loud noise

"Carly my dear!" She said happily as she squeezed me into a tight hug, her Ocean blue eyes went to Leo who gave her a simple wave after he puts down our bags

"And is he..." She pointed to him with a raised brow
I nodded "That's Leo"

I talked to Aunt Suzy about Leo who is now my boyfriend and Jared was having a hard time believing in my story so imagine his disbelief when he saw Leo in the flesh, him standing in the living room in his good looking glory

A yawn escaped from my mouth

"Right you two go to bed the bedrooms are ready now" Uncle Bernard told us

Leo thanked him politely "Thank you sir" before he grabbed my hand and our bags as we went down the hallway

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