Chapter 1: A New Start

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I kick a stone in the path, grumbling as it slams into a tree.

Sorry nature, it's been a bad day. Worse than usual. 

I wince as I trip over my own feet, no doubt karma getting back at me. I crash onto the forest floor of undergrowth, crying out as my injuries spurn to life. They just stopped aching not even a few minutes ago!

I pick myself up, breathing heavily, and continue to stumble deeper into the woods, towards the only safe place I know of.

Finally, the wall of thorns comes to view, right in the middle of the path. I slowly move to the small opening, intending to slip through it to get inside its haven.

But right as I take a step into the entrance, a black net falls upon me, stones connected to it, weighing me to the ground.

I cry out as I stumble into the thorns, ripping my skin open in the process. 

I fall to the ground for the second time that day, writhing against the net encasing me.

The weight of the rocks are too heavy for me, and so all I can do is lay there, waiting simply for whatever is to come.  

I don't like simple. 


I watch the human stumble to the ground, waiting for it to still before I move in.

As my team and I walks up to it, our eyes rake across the human-inflicted injuries upon the creature, and I glance at the information card in my hand.

Yes. This is one of the endangered beings of its species.

The human hasn't seemed to notice us just yet as we circle it. "Poor thing." Hrae murmurs in her silky voice as she loads a sedative dart into her gun.

The human cries out again as it looks up from the ground, finally noticing us. Its eyes are wide with terror, filling quickly with tears. 

Hrae shoots the injection into its side, and the animal goes limp.

"Let's get it out of here." I order, and Guerel and Mrusnus carries a transportation crate to the sleeping human.

I walk up to them and gently lift the net off the still body. I stroke the creature's head lightly, cooing a few soft words to it before allowing  Guerel and Mrusnus to slide him in the crate.

Hopefully, that'll keep him until we can get him to the relocation center.  


I open my eyes to the sound of a door cranking open, followed by guttural sounds, much like clicks and whines.

I open my eyes to find myself in a metal box, with the wall in front of me open. Beyond the opening, lies a...nest...?...of hay, cloth, and feathers.

What the hell?

Something pokes my butt painfully, and I glance back to find bars at the opposite end.

My question on what that pain was is answered as a long metal stick slides through the bars. As soon as it touches my butt again, a zapping sound comes from it, and I realize the pain is an electric shock.

I gasp as it zaps me again, pushing harder against me. I need no further warning.

I bolt towards the opening, desperately on all fours...the damn box is too low for me to stand on two legs. 

As soon as I touch the cold metal of the floor, the crate is lifted, and I look up to find a creature, much like the ones that had encircled me before I passed out, looming over me.

Its skin is solid white, like milk. Its eyes are an emerald green, a bit bigger and rounder than a normal human. Thick black braids of hair, like cornrolls, falls down his shaven head in lines.

Wrapped around the handle of the box/carrier, are long black claws, sharpened at the end.

It wears an apron of sorts, filled with bottles, rags, sprays, and more. Underneath the apron, it's wearing a blue jumper.

It smiles, its jaws opening wide to reveal long fangs and sharp teeth.

I gulp and back up, realizing that besides his head and torso, his body is behind glass.

It backs up and its other raised hand (its been raised the whole time), drops a glass lid on top of me.

I look around to find myself encased in a wide, glass cage, save for the back wall in which the glass molds into. The nest is heaped up against it. 

The nest itself is much bigger than a king-sized bed.

To my dismay, the ceiling, like the crate, is low. Too low. I guess I'm going to be on all fours for who knows how long. 

I look back at the longer wall of glass in front of me, a wide hallway of stone beyond it. I look around and find more glass cages like mine lined on either side of the hallway and my cage.

The front glass wall also has some sort of tub connected to it on the outside, with a tube running through the glass to the inside. The tube ends into a pinched end.

The tub is full of what seems like water, and I now understand what the pinched end is for.  

Terror fills me as I examine the place I am trapped in one more. What the hell is going on? Why am I here? What creatures are these guys? 

So many questions, and yet...I can't really put the energy in to care too much. I'm scared, yes. But curious enough to try to figure out what's going on? 

Not yet. 

I'll just wait and see...since I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. 

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