Chapter 35: Specials

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"Aah, I told you this group had some specials among them. A cub, and now a shifter. A werewolf shifter at that." Hrae chuckles to us as she empties out the gun in her hands, replacing the darts with a different set of darts. 

"I am glad I brought the stronger stuff." She mumbles as the gray wolf is thrown off of Aram, sliding across the floor to his friends. 

The other humans huddles close together, one female running up to the wolf. 

"Aye, and I just finished the scan. The wolf and the cub are the only two specials among this group. They can be separated then, and given to their handlers." Meilith orders out as Hrae points the gun at the wolf, and without hesitation, pull the trigger. 

The wolf stands, only to be shot down, collapsing as the fast drug-induced dart does its job. The female screams, shaking the sleeping wolf. 

It shifts back into its human form, breathing steadily. 

Groups like this aren't separated right away for this exact reason. Huge groups of humans especially can contain what are called specials. These specials range from shifters, to cubs (which are very rare), to those with certain abilities, vampires, and the likes. 

As just presented, it is easiest to weed out the specials if we allow them to try to protect their herd. 

I sigh as the rest of us pounces on the group, each glimate grabbing a human and holding them tightly to their chest. 

I have the female that protected the wolf in my arms, allowing her to bang her tiny fists at my arms, and kick her little feet out. 

She screams out as Hrae picks up the shifter, and walks out of the room to take care of the special. 


I grunt as the white giant holding me stands, carrying me with him. This is too high in the air for my liking. 

It rumbles with a few others of its friends, also holding their own humans. 

I glance at Hope worriedly, as she fights tooth and nail to get away. I am trembling, glancing around. Istallia, the elder of our group. 

She doesn't even have the energy to fight the white thing holding her. 

Marco, who lost his little girl last year due to the rough winter. He hasn't been the same ever since. 

Sasha, who always makes the best dinners with what could be found. Like Hope, she also fights hard, even clamping her teeth on the white beast's arm. 

And so many others that I love, that I have taken and made a group--a pack out of. 

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