Chapter 16: French Toast and a Powerful Itch

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"I am sure they will work with him in all aspects, Ipp. I can tell you I am not surprised about his behavior at the vets. He needs to learn to not fear things such as a vet visit. If he can learn to trust at least you and your roommate, he will be fine in the long run. I can't teach him that. SPS (Special Pet Services) can." Thresha's voice says from my phone through the speaker as I cook breakfast. 

I sigh as I dip some eggs onto a plate. "Alright. Thanks so much for what you did and for your advice. I will take Lyon either later today or tomorrow morning depending on his mood. I don't want him there if he's still shaken up." I reply back. 

"Good idea. And you're welcome, Ipp. Keep in touch if you need anything else." And then she hangs up. Sliters. Always on a roll. 

Gui walks in yawning and taking the plate of eggs I hand to him. "Thanks, bro." He mumbles and I nod as I heap another plate with nasty smelling food. 

Gui wrinkles his nose and stares at the plate. "What is that?" He hisses, waving his hand in front of his nose. 

I grimace, glancing at the pen Lyon is still sleeping in. "Apparently, it is called french toast. A breakfast thing made with weird flat grain and eggs? I think? Humans tend to like it for breakfast especially, or so I heard." I reply as I drizzle the...syrup(?) on top and walk in the living room. 

I bend over the pen and place the french toast down in front of him, and unmuzzle and de-cone him. He stirs awake at the jostling, but his eyes are heavily lidded, the powerful drugs doing their work. 

I made sure his not as powerful medication was cooked in the grain stuff. I think it's called bread? 

He focuses on the food and widens his eyes. 

I stay bent over, gently petting him, and with an empty stomach, the drugs in his system, and a warm bed under him, he pays no heed as he tears in the food, gulping it down quicker than I've ever seen a human eat. 

"Well damn. The stuff must be good. Maybe it's not as bad as it smells?" Gui mutters before he tears off a bit from Lyon's plate and pops it in his mouth. 

His reaction is hilarious. His face turns green and his horns wilt just a bit before he's rushing to the trash to spit it out. 

"Never mind. Bleh." He hisses. "What did it taste like?" I ask. He shudders and glares at me. "It's sugary sweet!" I blanch. Our kind especially, the race of Efolias, don't like anything sweeter than our fruit. And all our fruit are quite bitter. 

"Well, humans love sweet stuff." I mumble still keeping an eye on my Lyon. When he finishes, I snap the cone back around his neck, muzzle him again, and walk back in the kitchen with the empty plate. 


I wake up, yawning. And then I notice the DOG CONE AROUND MY NECK?! Can this get any worse? 

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