Chapter 43: Being There

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I run the warm spray over the human's head, covering his eyes to keep the running soap from destroying them. 

His lower half lies on thick water-proof pillows, while Hrae and Guerel help hold him, their hands under his stomach and around his waist. 

He shudders as I take away the spray, the cold sending goosebumps to pop out everywhere on his skin. 

"Good boy. You're doing so good." Hrae soothes as I nod to them. They add more pillows under his stomach, and carefully lay his upper half on them. 

I move to his legs, and start to scrub them, wincing as he doesn't even seem to feel it. 

Carefully, Guerel separates the legs as much as possible, but when I'm done cleaning the parts I can reach, the two lift him up and places him on his back. 

He watches our movements wide eyed as I softly clean him up. Guerel scratches under his chin as Hrae helps me wash him. 

Finally, I run the spray over him once more, before moving away and picking up a heated towel. Hrae lifts him up and places him in the towel I'm holding. 

He gets wrapped up, and I hold him close to my chest. "Thank you guys." I tell them, and they nod, moving to clean up the space. 

I walk out with the human limp in my arms, his eyes glazed over from what must be the wondrous heat engulfing him. 

I walk back into one of the isolated rooms, and make my way to the cage. I walk in and slide him in the nest, content to let him enjoy the warm towel. 

He snuggles into it, and I sigh, sliding down besides the nest. 

He watches me as I just sit there, thinking. "You've been through so much that you shouldn't have. You lost your legs, your virginity, and your freedom to the world. That should have not been done to you." I say as he continues to stare at me. 

"I really wish we would have found you sooner. I'm glad you're here now. I'll do everything to help you recover. Everything. You'll get adopted then, and find your forever home. I'll make sure of it." I finish before I lapse into silence. 

I glance at him, and smile. He fell asleep. 


I wake up screaming my voice off, thrashing under the weight of the nest. I don't really remember the nightmares...but the feelings of pain, fear, and despair tie me down. 

I gasp as large hands touch me, scrambling to get away. 

Please, please don't. I shout as the hands pin me down, grumbles getting louder as the white sound in my ears dies down. 

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