Chapter 42: Fever

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I whine in distress as I try to turn in the nest, my legs making it impossible to get comfortable. 

I'm all alone in the room, my cage in the back, away from the door. I try to curl up, but again, my legs won't allow it. 

I still can't move them, and something tells me that I never will again. That's a very comforting thought. Not. 

I close my eyes tightly, but snap them open as my mouth gets all tingly, and drool escapes it in waves. 

Pulling myself up as best as possible, I retch out my guts onto the nest below, my nose plugging with the putrid stuff. 

The door opens and a few giants rushes in. My cage is opened, and hands help hold me as I throw everything up. 

Hands stroke my scalp and their rumbles are soothing to the ears as I finish, crying with snot dripping out of my nose. 

The machines hooked into me are taken out gently as I am lifted and carried out. 


I hold the trembling human-hybrid tightly, his pale sweaty form tiny and fragile. 

"Missis, I heard about it. Come in." Dr. Limio whispers from his doorway, and I bring the human in the room. 

I place the wheezing boy on the table, allowing Dr. Limio to examine him. "He definitely has a fever." Dr. Limio mutters as he feels the human up. 

I suck my lip as he works. 

The boy coughs a bit, and the vet turns him on his side. Spit and the last remains of the vomit spill out, but Dr. Limio doesn't even blink. 

"You poor thing." He whispers as he places a wet cool rag over his head. 

He grabs a syringe and a bottle of blue liquid. He fills the syringe up, and places it at the cub's mouth. 

It slips past his lips and the vet releases what I assume is medicine. 

The boy tries to spit it out, but the doc covers his mouth and plugs his nose, forcing him to swallow. 

"There you go." He murmurs before looking at me. "He needs a lot of comfort, warmth, and rest. Stay with him throughout the night to give him cool rags and help him when he throws up." I nod wordlessly, before carrying him out. 

"Thanks doc." I tell him before leaving. 

The boy coughs in my arms weakly, and I clutch him close. "Missis." I look back to see Meilith walking up, frowning as he sees the animal in my arms. 

"I heard he's having a rough night." I nod as we walk together. "Yeah. Fever." I explain, and the supervisor's lips thin. "That's not fun." I shake my head. 

We walk in silence down the halls, listening to the sounds of the human breathing as he tries to sleep in his fevered state. 


Everything hurts. 

I'm cold and hot at the same time. I still can't move my legs in a more comfortable position. My heart beats terribly in my head. My blood is rushing through me, making it hard to concentrate. 

My throat is sore from throwing up, and my nose still has the smell of vomit. I feel weak and sick. I am weak and sick. 

I am gently wrapped in a large blanket, then placed on the giant's lap as he rocks me back and forth, dabbing my head with a delectable icy rag. 

I whimper at the pain, but he shushes me. I fall into a light slumber as the rocking continues, knowing I'll wake up in a few minutes to puke all over again. 

This isn't the first time this has happened to me. In fact, fevers and throw up is not rare in my world. 

This is the first time though that I have been given comfort and care for it, and a small part of me revels in the attention. 

Without having to perform any nasty deeds. 

I sigh, my heart slowing down enough to get a few decent shut eyes. 


I put my finger to my lips as Hrae walks in with a bowl of food for me. She smiles, tip-toeing towards my spot against the wall. 

"Here." She whispers, placing the bowl in front of me. 

I smile my thanks, and take a spoonful. 

"How is he?" She asks, sitting besides me and looking at the human, "Better. Threw up all night long and kept waking up. Never slept more than 20 minutes, although, I think it's almost over with." 

She nods and puts her hand to his head. 

"Yeah, it should break soon." She muses, pulling her hand away. "Poor thing. Hybrids have it rough. Do we know what kind he is yet?" I shake my head. 

"No. The blood tests are supposed to be in any day now." Hybrids can be sensed a mile away just by the rare scent they hold. 

But some hybrids are only hybrids by their blood. Even though its rare to only have the characteristics of just one of the creatures it was birthed by, it's not surprising. 

The boy in my arms is one of these hybrids. Completely human on the outside, but his smell gives him away. He sure wasn't born on Earth. But maybe not on Shyviiron either. 

Because of the war their blood is at, being split in between two races, they tend to get sick at least once every 2 months. 

There's nothing that can be done really, but be there for the hybrid. 

We chatter a bit about this and that, as we wait for his fever to break. Hopefully in the next couple of hours. 

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