Chapter 25: Lessons

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As soon as the door swings open, the Jias, Reilzi, bolts through it, crashing on top of me. Snarling and snapping his large venomous fangs, he bristles and hisses, seeking dominance. 

I snap my own fangs back, hissing angrily. I use all my strength to turn us over, pressing the Jias on the floor. He thrashes, his eyes ablaze with anger and fury. 

I bare my teeth at him, pinning his wrists and ankles in place. 

I forgot the tail. 

Moments later, I find myself back on my back, breathing heavily. Reilzi doesn't hesitate to lunge towards me, but Ipp blocks him, throwing the pup back. 

As soon as I get back up on my feet, Ipp backs away. The snarling Jias snaps his head back and forth between us, foam leaving his mouth as his body tenses. 

The first lesson: I am in charge when it comes to Reilzi. Ipp is second. 

I can tell the pup is already guessing it, but he ignores the warning and lurches himself at me. I step to the side, grab his neck, and pull him to the ground. 

The pup roars angrily, but I don't hesitate to pin him like before, except on his stomach, and I remember the tail. 

I place my fangs at his neck, not hesitating the slightest to sink them in. Reilzi sags instantly, gasping and sputtering as my fangs sinks all the way in his special neck. 

Ipp walks up and once my teeth leaves the Jias' neck, Ipp replaces the spot with his own teeth, following my actions. 

Telling the Jias exactly who is in charge. 

When Ipp and I step away, the Jias' tail rubs his neck where our teeth indents are. Jias' skin are tough...even tougher on the neck for this exact reason. 

Barely, will a Jias' neck bleed from any domination bite. 

Reilzi glances at me and then at Ipp, his eyes narrowed. He tilts his head before bowing it, submitting to us. 

We sigh and I walk up to the pup. Instantly, Reilzi buries his head against my leg, rubbing it affectionately. 

"Good boy." I praise, petting him on the head. 

Ipp sighs and I glance at him. "I'll get Lyon then." I nod, frowning. The poor boy has been through a lot...but this second lesson cannot wait. 


I awake when large hands grabs me, pulling me up. Confused, disoriented, and sleepy, I glance at my owner's face questioningly. 

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