Chapter 49: Epilogue Pt. 2

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I stand at the edge of the cliff, enjoying the view spread before me. Foggy seas full of sky, mountains poking through like jagged teeth, waves of steam swirling around endlessly. 

My home. 

I smile, enjoying the suns high in the air, my back soaking in their warmth. 

I look at the notification once more just to double check that I read it right. I chuckle about the others' reactions about the news. 

We're definitely going to be busy for a while. 

Glosssiers dip in and out of the fog, groaning appreciatively as the sun hits their large scales, glinting rainbows across the sky. 

I shuffle backwards away from the edge, my bare feet enjoying the flaky sand the mountains possess. 

When I far enough away to not be able to spot the fog underneath the cliff, my feet bolt into a sprint. 

I dive off the cliff, whooping and shouting as air rushes through my hair, and when I swarm through the fog, puffs of it scatters everywhere. 

The suns' heat disappear, instead replaced by the cool tint of the first level of land. 

Below, a town rests, inhabitants busy like ants in a hive. I move in the air, still falling fast, my toes now under me. 

Within an inch of slamming into the ground, my wings snaps open, pulling me achingly to a stop. They flap for a few seconds before I lightly lower my toes on the ground. 

I chuckle as Claus walks up, his own wings snapped behind him. 

"How are the suns today?" He greets, and I smile. "In perfect harmony. The moons will be overjoyed tonight." he nods, frowning. 

'You're happier than usual." He accuses, and I laugh. "I have some very good news. Where is Gabi and Tesser?" Claus points to the front welcoming cabin of the town, and I dip my head in thanks. 

As I walk I pass Perol, Sia, and Rain. "You three. I have some news. Come along." They follow wordlessly, smiling shyly. 

I enter the cabin, greeted by a large fireplace working its magic, a huge desk built into it, and behind it, Gabi and Tesser bent over papers of plans, notes, and other such usages. 

They look up when I enter, and the wolves scoff. 

"Close those wings, Estralio." Gabi huffs, and I do sop, snapping them against my back. 

"You look happy." Tesser muses, folding his thick arms against his chest. "Yeah. One of my spies from Shyviiron contacted me while I was reporting the suns." 

They growl lowly at the word of the planet that ruined their lives. 

I hold up my hands, placating them. 

"Spit it out, winged." Gabi hisses, and I chuckle. "You'll like this." I pause for effect and they growl again. 

"Okay, okay. Sheesh. Anyways...this spy found Savis. We're acting in the next few months." They cheer and holler, running out to tell the rest of their pack. 

I follow them happily, hands in my pockets. 

"You sure gave them a to speak." Claus laughs as he walks back up, the rest of my own clan behind him. 

I nod. 

"Now we all have an excuse to go to Shyviiron. As our agreement suggests. It's time to start the plans from long ago. And we'll use this wolf pack to do so." I reply back, settling down to watch the earth wolves rejoice. 

Shyviiron, here we come for our vengeance. 

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