Chapter 34: Caught

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I smile at Alex as he digs in the large dumpster, his tiny frame perfect for being able to spot and get to the best food that most on this cursed planet consider trash. 

He re-appears, holding a few large fruits with only a few bites in them. I grin, and throw open the sack as he tosses them in. 

"Good job, Maxxy! I praise the kid, and his grin melts my heart. 

With the help of me and Savis, he climbs out of the dumpster, and gets back on the real ground. A surprised rumble sounds behind us, and we freeze, our eyes staring at each other in terror. 

Slowly, I turn my head to see a damn giant at the end of the alley, grumbling and gaping at us. It four arms holds up each hand, two heads peering straight at us. 

It grumbles, and takes a step towards us, and that's when we decide that now would be a good time to bolt. 

"Max, get on my back!" I shout out to the 6 year old boy, and he jumps on my back, arms wrapping around my neck, and legs around my waist. I bolt out of the alleyway on all fours. 

On this damn planet, it is impossible to stand, and after years on the streets, our bodies have adapted really well to using all four limbs to walk and run. 

Savis is right besides us as we tear down the large sidewalk, each giant walking by stopping to peer at us, and then try to grab us. 

Experienced, we duck and dive, barely missing their hands by inches. 

Soon, a whole crowd of giants are chasing us, many screeching on their devices, others getting in cars and taking off after us, and even a few grabbing nets. 

Damn it. 

"Hope." Max whines and I just pick him up as we bolt from these crazies' grasps. 

"There!" Savis hisses, pointing to an alley and we dive in it. Within seconds, we're in the sewers, catching our breath. 

The rumbles above us makes Max flinch, and I clutch him tighter as we wait for the giants to disperse in confusion. 

"That was too close." Savis mutters as I rub Max's head full of fluffy black hair. 

"Let's just get home. The others are waiting." I reply back, and we head off, still in the sewers. My heart seems to grow braver with each step we take towards home. 


I look up as everyone crowds around the entrance. As soon as I see Max, Hope, and Savis in their midst, I smile. 

They made it home safely. 

I approach the crowd, and as soon as I can, hug Hope tightly, Max in her grasp. He gets sandwiched between us, but I know he doesn't mind. 

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