Chapter 45: Patiently Impatient

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I stare in the distance as the giant waves a stuffed animal in my face, disgust rolling in the pit of my stomach. 

I am not one of those domesticated humans. 

And I will not be trained into one. 

The giant gives up, frowning as he drops the bear. A large hand touches my back and pushes it, forcing me to the ground. 

I yelp as it pins me, trying to see what they're doing. The creatures rumbles with each other before a blanket is thrown over me, and a pillow is slid under my head. 


I helplessly watch as two giants move around me, gurgling and grumbling. Another one holds me down lightly, watching its friends calmly. 

I kick out when I am scooped up, but my legs are caught in the blanket, my arms following. I'm a burrito, and my eyes widen as I am carried over to the pen and laid on a dog-bed type of mattress. 

It is comfortable and warm, but I don't care for that. 

The pen is too high for me to climb out of, and even when the hands drift away, I find myself restrained in the burrito. 

Clenching my teeth, I wiggle around, trying to escape the tight confines of the blanket. But realizing I will only fail in this goal, I snort, shaking my head in disbelief. 

The giants leans over the pen, watching me with awed eyes and bright smiles, and surprisingly, my eyes start to get heavy. 

I fight to stay awake, but the bed and the blanket are both so inviting. 


I haven't seen Max in at least a few days. They have moved me into a giant's bedroom, my bed a dog-like bed at the foot of the giant's bed. 

I wouldn't put it past them that this new arrangement is also part of their 'training.' 

I huff in my wolf form as I lie in it, still numb. They have managed to teach me different series of clicks that I learned to mean 'shift,' 'stay,' 'you can move,' and so forth. 

I was told to shift a couple minutes ago, and too exhausted at the moment to try to defy them, I did. 

So here I am...numbed up and in wolf form. 

Oh joy. 

The door opens, and the giant whose room I'm sharing with walks in. It smiles, kneeling down and petting my head. 

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