let go (requested)

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"Hey, sweet girl." Karina smiled as she watched you exit the bathroom. "Come on, lay down with me."

She patted the other side of the bed where you'd be sleeping tonight. 

The blanket was already pulled up for you to climb under and with every step you took, Karina's heart would beat faster due to the happiness she feels every time she remembers that she gets to hold you in her arms all night long tonight.

You're only a couple of months into your relationship and you're staying the night tonight for the very first time. You're excited but, in a way, you're also feeling a little nervous.

But you tried to brush off your worried thoughts as you climbed into bed and put your head on the pillow.

She covered you up, bringing the blanket up to your shoulder so you'd stay cozy and warm.

"Goodnight, my love." She said and kissed your lips before turning off the light.

As soon as the room became dark, you tried to relax a little.

You're worried about falling asleep beside her. It's nothing to do with her, it's your worried brain and past experiences that make you nervous about what you might do in your sleep.

You're afraid that you might curl up to her sometime throughout the night as you sleep. During your relationship so far, you've restricted any sort of touching. You fibbed to Karina that it's just something you don't like. When, in actuality, you worry that you might annoy her somehow.

You worry she might think you're too clingy or too needy and the thought is scary to you because you're falling hard for her and you don't want to mess things up between you.

You got lost in your thoughts for a few minutes before you brushed your hands over your face, exhaling heavily.

"Everything okay, babe?" Karina asked from beside you.

You were caught off guard. She was so quiet you thought she'd already fallen asleep.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you not tired?"

"No. I'm a little sleepy." You said.

You closed your eyes, only for her to ask you something that made you open them quickly.

"Do you want me to cuddle you?"

You didn't know how to answer the question because, truthfully, you wanted her to hold you more than anything else. You know her arms have to be so warm and you're dying to hear the steady and comforting beat of her heart in your ear as you drift off to sleep.

But the worries crept into your brain once more and you felt conflicted.

"Y/N?" She sighed and turned the light back on rolling onto her side to face you. "Do you want to cuddle with me?"

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly and Karina couldn't deny that it made her heart sink a little.

"You don't want to?"

"Kinda." You spoke quietly before you looked away from her eyes. "It's hard to explain."

"Just talk, baby. I'm happy to listen, no matter how long it takes for you to find the words to say."

You began to nervously toy with your fingers as you closed your eyes, sighing as you parted your lips to confess your worries.

"I'm afraid to."

"You're afraid to cuddle me? Why?" She wondered as her heart hammered with worry.

"I don't want you to get annoyed with me. I'm afraid that I might get too clingy and you'll get frustrated with me."

"What? No, baby." She shook her head. "That could never happen, y/n. I adore you. I want to hold you so badly. You haven't let me before. You only let me hug you for a few seconds here and a few seconds there. I want to cuddle with you."

"And if I get clingy?"

"Then you just make me crazier for you."

You cracked a smile as she brushed her fingers through your hair.

"Can I please cuddle with you? I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight if I don't."

You chuckled over that before nodding your head.

She reached over and turned the lamp off before pulling you into her arms.

"Just relax. Let go of all of your worries and fears. Those thoughts running through your brain about me finding you annoying are false. I can never find you annoying. You're safe with me. I won't let you go."

You sighed again but this time much happier than before.

Just as you thought, her arms were warm and secure, and as she kept you wrapped in them you felt as though you were right where you've always been meant to be.

"Goodnight, sweet girl." She whispered as she kissed your head.

"Goodnight, baby." You said back to her as you started to fall asleep, realizing then that you were already falling in love with her, unaware that Karina felt the same about you as you slept with your head on her chest.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now