she cheats with Winter - part one (requested)

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"Karina? Baby, are you here?" You yelled out as you stepped into the dorm.

When you only received silence in response, you figured that the girls were still all in practice for their upcoming comeback.

So you proceeded to close the front door behind you and walk over to the counter, where you set down the dishes in your hands.

You made a special meal for Karina that you could share tonight whenever she gets home.

You worked very hard on it and did your best to make it as perfect as possible.

You're proud of how it turned out and it made you so excited for Karina to get back to the dorm so you could share it together.

You figured that since it was afternoon already, it probably wouldn't be too long before she gets back.

So you decided to just stay at the dorm and wait for her.

You thought about waiting on the sofa and turning on a movie to occupy yourself.

But you liked the idea of going upstairs to the room that she and Giselle share and waiting for her there instead.

You could change into one of her shirts and lay down on her bed and breathe in her comforting scent that lingered on her pillowcases until she arrives home.

The thought pulled at your heart and so, you made your way to her room.

But you were in for the shock of your life.

Because when you opened the door, you saw that Karina was home.

In fact, she was in her bed, making out with someone else.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked and when both girls turned their heads, you saw that the girl Karina was making out with was Winter. "Winter? Karina? What is going on?"

Karina pushed Winter off of her and when she sat up, the blanket that was wrapped around her slipped off of her shoulders, revealing the fact to you that she was nude.

As was Winter.

"Are you serious!?"

"I can explain!" Karina said.

You didn't want to hear one word of it though.

So you ran out of the room and down the hall until you were finally in the kitchen.

Karina trailed after you, wearing nothing but one of her shirts.

She grabbed your wrist in her hand and spun you around to face her.

"Wait! Please, don't go."

"Karina, let go."

"No! Not until you hear me out."

"Hear you out? Hear you say what? Lies? Excuses? I saw it with my own eyes, Karina! You cheated on me!"

"I-I didn't mean to, I swear. We just got caught up in the moment and-"

"Oh, whatever, Karina. Seriously. That's all you can say? That you got caught up in the moment together? You know what? It's bad enough that you cheated but it's so much worse that you did it with Winter. Because not only have I now lost you but I've lost a friend too. So, thank you for that."

"Wait!" She pleaded as you turned your back to her. "Please don't go."

"Goodbye, Karina." You said before pulling your wrist out of her grip and leaving the dorm, falling apart in your car.

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