you fall asleep over FaceTime (requested)

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You were just about to drift into a deep and peaceful slumber when you heard your phone begin to chime beside you on the bed.

It was the familiar FaceTime tone that you've heard a few times over the last couple of days since Karina is currently busy in Paris.

It's almost midnight here in Seoul and the house is quiet without Karina's laughter.

You're colder than you usually are since she's not here to hold you and all of this is making it so much easier to fall into a deep sleep.

But as heavy as your eyes are and as exhausted as you feel, you've been waiting for her to call you.

You're currently eight hours apart due to the time zones, so while it's nearing midnight for you, it's only close to four in the afternoon there for her.

She's got a lot to do so she's found a break in her schedule to call you and you don't want to miss it.

So you sat up and turned on the light before grabbing your phone and answering her call.

"Hey, baby!" She greeted with a big smile. "I'm sorry I'm calling you later than I did yesterday. It's been so busy and I haven't had a break until now."

"It's okay, my love." You said. "How's your day going?"

"Great! I'm having the time of my life! It's been so much fun and we have a few of the Eiffel Tower from our hotel rooms and it's perfect here. We have to come for a vacation, you and I, soon."

"That sounds amazing. You look so happy and so beautiful, babe. I'm so happy that you're enjoying yourself."

"The only thing that would make this even more amazing is if you had been able to tag along with me."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't get out of work. But we'll take a trip soon, just like you said." You promised with a bright smile and her eyes sparkled. "So, what's on your schedule for today?"

"So much, gosh. Where do I even begin?" She sighed. "Well, there's still the fashion show. We're seeing fans and doing some sightseeing. We have some interviews and photo shoots."

Despite the happiness you felt about being able to see her and talk with her for the first time all day, you were utterly exhausted.

So you closed your eyes, telling yourself that you were only resting them and you'd open them again in a minute.

But Karina caught you and stopped talking to see if you had fallen asleep.

"I woke you up, didn't I?"

"No." You answered as you opened your eyes a little. "No, I wasn't even asleep. I was just about to fall asleep but I wasn't there just yet."

"Well, I should go then so to can go to sleep. You look exhausted."

"No, wait, don't! Please, baby. I want to hear your voice. Keep talking to me."

"Alright." She sighed. "But if you fall asleep, that's okay. Don't force yourself to stay awake."

You promised her that you wouldn't and she began to speak again afterward.

"If you're sure." She said. "I should be home very soon. It's only today and part of the day tomorrow and then we get on our flight home so it won't be too long."

"I'm looking forward to it." You sleepily replied, eyes slipping shut.

"And when I get home, I want to take a hot shower with my girl and have lots of cuddles."

You cracked a smile, unable to do more than that since you were almost asleep.

Karina didn't seem to notice this time because she was rambling excitedly, going on and on about all the things she wanted to do with you when she arrives home.

It was almost as if she felt she'd been away from you for several months rather than just a few days.

But it was okay because you did miss each other a lot even if she wasn't gone for long.

And everything she'd want to do, you'd be happy to do it too.

But, for now, she was busy making plans and coming up with ideas as she talked about what she wanted to do when she'd arrive home.

It was only when the silence in response from you made her realize that you were sound asleep.

She couldn't hold back the grin pulling at her lips and she secretly took a few screenshots, wanting to cherish the sight and these moments forever.

"I can't wait to be back by your side. I love you so much, my girl. Have sweet dreams." She said and blew you a kiss before she ended the call, looking forward to going home tomorrow to be with you again.

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