you're sick (requested)

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"What can I do, baby? Can't I do something to make you feel better?" Karina asked as she comfortingly rubbed your back.

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly, unsure if there was anything that she could do to make you feel better at this point.

You're curled up on the bed, groaning over how sick you feel.

Your stomach is turning and aching, making you wonder if you should prepare to get sick or not.

Also, you're sweating buckets while one second you're hot and the next begging Karina to cover you up.

"Tell me what's wrong. Do you think you're going to throw up, my love?" She asked with a soft voice as you started to try and take deep breaths, although they were just shaky and uneven.

"I don't know." You mumbled.

Truth be told, with how miserable you feel, you almost wish that you could get sick.

Perhaps, it would bring you some relief and make you feel better.

"I'm sorry you feel so sick, honey. I'm here though, okay? I'll stay right here." She promised as she kissed your cheek and tried her hardest to soothe you.

You tried to focus on her touch and on her in general, because despite feeling so ill, she's the only thing that you can find comfort in.

You focused on the soft brush of her nails as she gently dragged them along your back in circles.

You focused on her lips brushing against your skin and her soft, sweet voice in your ear.

You closed your eyes and laid still for a few minutes, hoping you'd fall asleep and feel better in the morning.

But you just began to feel worse as the minutes ticked by and before you knew it, your stomach was flipping and your mouth watered and you knew what that dreadful feeling meant.

You were going to get sick.

You sat up, gently pushing Karina away before you jumped out of bed and ran across the room into the bathroom.

Making it just in the nick of time, you knelt on the floor in front of the toilet and started to get sick.

Karina hurried in and part of you felt torn about her being there as you practically threw your guts up.

You felt a little embarrassed as this would be the first time you'd get sick in front of her yet you also felt too desperate for only the comfort she can bring you as you got sick.

"Oh, darling," she sighed as she brushed her hand across your back. "I've got you. Here, baby, I'll hold your hair back for you."

If you weren't in the middle of vomiting so much, your heart would've melted over that.

She carefully and gently pulled your hair into her hand and kept it back for you as you got sick.

"Let it out. It's alright, darling. Just get it all out."

Your body wasn't giving you much of a choice but to do just that.

Nonetheless, you felt so grateful for the comfort she was bringing you even during something so terrible.

"I'll stay here for as long as you get sick. I'm not going anywhere, so don't worry about that." She whispered and continued to rub your back.

It took a few minutes; a long and grueling few minutes.

But, finally, you stopped getting sick.

You exhaled shakily in relief.

Finally, your stomach didn't hurt as badly and you felt much better than you did before.

"Are you alright?"

You nodded tiredly.

"Do you need anything?"

"Yeah. Can you help me stand up? My legs feel weak." You said and Karina stood up before leaning down to put her arm around you and help you up.

"There we go, baby. Do you feel any better?" She asked as you stopped at the sink to brush your teeth.

"Yeah, thankfully." You said and quickly brushed your teeth and tongue. "I'm tired though and my throat is a little sore."

"Understandable." She chuckled as you put your toothbrush down and turned to face her, burying your face in her shirt. "Oh, my girl, it's okay."

She stood there with you for a minute, comforting you and holding you as you caught your breath and calmed down.

"Ready to go back to sleep?"

You nodded and pulled away, looking at her with tired eyes before she put her hand on the small of your back and guided you to bed.

"Here we go, sweet girl. Under the covers."

You laid down and she tucked you in with a kiss on your forehead before laying down with you.

"Get some rest, as much of it as you feel you need. I'll be right here when you wake up and if you feel sick again, I'll be right here to comfort you through it." She promised.

You put your head on her shoulder and cracked a tired smile as you started to drift off into a peaceful sleep again.

"I love you." You mumbled.

"I love you more, sweet girl." She said as she watched you fall asleep.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now