she gives you the silent treatment (requested)

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Quietly tiptoeing down the stairs, you heard the sound of Karina's favorite show playing on the tv.

The volume was louder than usual as if she was trying to block out the words that you spoke to her just an hour or so ago, the ones that made her heart ache.

You felt guilty; so guilty. You knew you needed to apologize.

After all, despite having an awful day, when you walked through that door, it was all behind you.

You didn't need to snap at Karina.

You didn't mean to and on any normal day, you wouldn't.

But due to the stress you felt, when you arrived home and she was clinging to you right away, you just got frustrated and said things you shouldn't have.

You've been wanting to come and apologize from the moment you closed the bedroom door a little while ago, but you wanted to calm down and take a few minutes to yourself to let the words and the guilt sink in.

Karina couldn't even look at you as you sat down beside her.

She just continued to stare at the tv, as if her eyes were glued to it.

"I'm sorry."

She didn't say anything in response.

She just continued watching her favorite show.

"Karina? Baby?"

You scooted closer, wondering if your words were too quiet to be heard over the high volume.

"My love? Can you look at me?" You asked as you tapped her arm, only for her to move further away.

Now you knew she knew that you were there.

"You're mad."

She clenched her jaw and looked at you from the corner of her eyes.

"I understand. I'd be mad at you if you snapped at me when I was just trying to give you some love and cheer you up. You didn't deserve to be spoken to the way I spoke to you. It was awful and unfair and I'm so sorry."

She sighed quietly but still continued to ignore you.

"You're giving me the silent treatment?"

Again, nothing.

"I deserve it." You sighed. "I mean it though. I'm not just saying that I'm sorry. I mean it with all of my heart and soul. Because I love you and I care about you. You're the most amazing girl and I'm so lucky to have you. Because after every bad day, you're always there to cheer me up. I pushed you away. I said that you were getting on my nerves by clinging to me and I needed space but I didn't mean it. I hope you know that."

You waited a moment, anxiously anticipating the sound of her voice.

"I do know that, y/n." She said. "But it still hurt my feelings regardless."

"I know it did. I feel so bad about it."

She looked into your eyes before reaching for your hand, holding it tightly.

"I know you are and I know you mean it. I just need you to know that your words hurt. I know if I said them, you'd be sad, too. The thing is, y/n, you could have the worst day but you always come home to me and when you close that door and walk into my arms, it's all over. It's all behind you. You can let go and take a deep breath and realize that you're home, that you're safe and sound in my arms. That's what I do. I have bad days but they're never that bad because I get to come home to you."

"You're right and I do feel that way, trust me. I just had a hard day and I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. It won't ever happen again."

"Good." She said before kissing your cheek. "Now give me a hug."

You happily did as she asked, throwing your arms around her neck to hold onto her tightly.

"I missed the sound of your pretty voice."

She giggled and kissed your head.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Karina. So much." You said as you closed your eyes and breathed in her smell, so happy that everything was okay now and that she knew how sorry you truly felt.

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