hickey prank on you

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You could barely contain your excitement as you watched the car pull into the driveway.

You were sure that your heart was going to burst right from your chest as soon as you watched Karina step out of the car.

She grabbed her things and thanked the driver before she made her way up the front porch steps.

You opened the door and, right away, she dropped her bags on the floor as she stepped inside before she threw her arms around you.

It's been a few months since you've last seen your girlfriend; since you've felt her arms around you and her soft kissable lips on yours.

You missed her so much and you know she missed you too.

"It's so good to be home." She whispered against your lips as she kissed you deeply. "I missed you."

"I missed you more." You said as you cupped her cheek and moved your lips passionately against hers.

When she pulled away, she sent you a sweet smile and then kissed your forehead.

"Come on, baby. It's cold out." You said before pulling her inside.

She moved her bags out of the way and closed the door before turning to you.

You took off her jacket for her before pulling her in for another kiss.

She couldn't help but sigh against your lips, feeling content now that she was home with you again at last.

Your kisses felt like heaven and she cherished every single one of them, especially as you pulled away to kiss her neck.

But as you opened her eyes and cracked a smile over the soft moan that left her lips, you noticed something.

There was no mistaking it; that was a hickey.

You've given them to Karina plenty of times before and you've seen them scattered across your own skin from her as well.

But you haven't seen her for months.

These hickeys were not from you.


"Hm?" She asked with her head tilted back and her eyes closed, awaiting more kisses from you on her soft skin.

"Where did this come from?"

She opened her eyes and gazed at you in confusion.


"The hickey, Karina! Where did it come from?"

"You?" She asked, anxiously biting her lip.

"No way. I haven't gotten that far yet. Who gave them to you? Were you hooking up with other girls and cheating on me while on tour?"

"No, baby, of course not." She said as she tried to grab your hands.

"Oh, really?" You scoffed, pulling your hands away from her. "The hickey on your neck says otherwise! Who gave it to you? Winter? A random girl?"

"No." She quietly mumbled as she stared at the floor.

"You can't even look at me?" You asked in disbelief. "Fine. Be that way. Lie to me. But if you can't tell me the truth, I can't stay."

Her heart dropped over your words and she immediately wrapped her arms around you to hug you from behind when you turned away from her.

"Karina, let go of me."

"No. Never." She said. "I swear, it's not what you think. Let me explain. I'll give you the truth right now."

She took your hand into hers and pulled you toward the kitchen.

She went over to the sink as she reached into the drawer beside it for a dishtowel.

She ran it under the water for a second before wiping it across her neck and you watched as the hickey smeared across her skin.

"It's fake. I was pranking you!"

You folded your arms over your chest as a pout appeared on your lips.

"You scared me!"

"yeah, well, you've played pranks on me in the past. I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine." She smirked as she walked to you and pulled you back into her arms. "Not so nice, is it?"

"Whatever." You mumbled.

She laughed before she kissed your lips softly.

"Forgive me, cutie?"

"Yeah." You said, unable to resist, especially since she was right.

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled.

"Now, why don't you give me some real hickeys, hm?" She teased as she raised her eyebrows playfully.

You laughed before kissing her passionately, happy to do just that.

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