you accidentally break something from her collection (requested)

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Letting yourself into Karina's house with the spare key she gave to you, you headed up the stairs to her room and walked into it.

You put the bag of food down on her bed.

It contained her favorite food from her favorite place - something you know she'll need since she texted you that she had such an awful day.

You didn't text her that you were coming over or picking up food.

You kept it a surprise because you know that it will make it even better.

You sat down on the foot of her bed, shrugging off your jacket before tossing it across the room, watching as it landed on one of the chairs.

You know it won't be long until she arrives since she told you that it would only be a few minutes until she'd text you again since she was heading straight home from practice.

But you were here alone long enough to get a little bored.

You thought about collapsing onto her cozy bed to take a short nap or turn on a show on Netflix.

But then you remembered that Karina got some new Givenchy stuff and she's been waiting for the chance to show it to you.

Hoodies, dresses, sunglasses, perfumes - the list goes on.

You were beyond excited to see it all but you wanted to check out one thing in particular - her perfume collection.

She has quite a lot of perfumes but she was getting something new on what seemed like a daily basis and she certainly deserves it all.

You spotted the newest Givenchy perfumes in the front of her collection, bottles you didn't recognize and knew had to be the ones she's been wanting to show you.

You got up and went to the shelf and ever so carefully, you picked one of them up and closed your eyes as you took a whiff of it.

It smelled incredible and you knew exactly why she had told you the new ones she's gotten recently were her favorites.

You sprayed a little on your wrist and rubbed it against your other, more than happy to let this scent linger on your skin for a while since you know it's one your girl adores.

You were just about to put it back on the shelf when the door slammed shut downstairs and it took you by surprise.

The perfume bottle slipped out of your hand and fell onto the floor, causing it to shatter everywhere.

"Oh, no," You gasped and knelt on the floor to try and carefully pick up the broken glass.

"Baby, I didn't know you'd be here," Karina said as she walked into the room. "What a nice surprise!"

She took a few steps closer to you to hug you but when she saw you cleaning up glass and saw the liquid on the floor, she looked up at the shelf to find a bottle missing.

"What did you do?" She asked.

Turning around to face her, you stared at her with guilt and sadness.

"I can explain-"

"I don't want to hear it. Get up! Move so I can clean this mess up!"

You stood up and she bumped your shoulder with her own as she started to curse and talk angrily to herself.

But that's not what hurt you the most.

When she bumped your shoulder, you lost your balance and ended up stumbling and stepping on a few pieces of glass.

Karina hadn't meant for you to get hurt and especially not like that but, still, it happened and it hurt.

"Ouch!" You groaned in pain as you sat down on her bed.

"I can't believe this! I just got this perfume and you break it! Why are you so clumsy and annoying?"

That stung.

Tears blurred your eyes both from the ache in your heart over her words and the pain in your foot.

"Now I have to buy a new one. If they even have any left in stock. I was going to wear this for an event tomorrow but I can't now. Thank you, Y/N!" She sarcastically said.

"Karina, I'm hurt." You sniffled.

And immediately, Karina's anger faded and she was instantly concerned more than anything else.

Turning around, she saw the blood on your foot as well as the tears in your eyes.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly and looked at your foot, seeing the few small pieces of glass in it.

"I stepped on some glass when you bumped my shoulder."

She felt so guilty and as she began to care for you, she even teared up.

"Do you think I'll need stitches?" You asked.

"Uh," She said before clearing her throat, swallowing down the lump in it. "No. You're not hurt that bad, my love. Just a little TLC is all you need."

You could hear the crack in her voice and it broke your heart.

"I'm so sorry I bumped into you like that. I feel awful. If I didn't get so upset about something so silly, you wouldn't be hurt."

"Karina, it's alright." You spoke as you put your hand on her shoulder.

"It's not. You're hurt."

"Not anymore. You took care of me." You said with a small smile as you lifted her chin with your fingers.

"I should've done that from the start. Who cares about a bottle of perfume that I can easily replace? It's not that big of a deal. I'm so sorry for making you feel bad and for you getting hurt."

"Well, I broke the bottle in the first place. I am clumsy."

She shook her head with a giggle.

"It's okay, though. Everything is all worked out. I love you and I'll be better soon."

She smiled at you before leaning in to kiss your lips.

"I love you too. Now, let's get you all cozy in my bed. You're staying with me tonight."

"Alright, I'd like that. I got your favorite food from your favorite spot, by the way." You said as she had you lie down.

"Well, I hope you like it too because you're sharing it with me." She said as she booped your nose. "Be back in a second, sweet girl. Get comfortable. Love you."

You watched her leave the room to go grab some napkins and other things for the meal as you got cozy in her bed, so happy that everything was alright now and she wasn't upset anymore.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang