oblivious (requested)

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Your friends breathed out a sigh of relief when they watched Karina walk through the door of the bar.

You're quite drunk, struggling to even stand on your own two feet, and it was time for you to go home.

Your friends, however, have barely had anything to drink yet and wanted to enjoy the night some more, so they called Karina to come and get you.

That was obviously okay with you, considering your eyes lit up and a drunken grin tugged at your lips upon seeing her walk to you.


"Hi," She smiled and happily put her arms around you when you pulled away from your friends to hug her. "Are you ready for me to take you home?"

If it were anyone else, you'd probably argue and tell them that you're not that drunk and you'd just uber home with your friends later on when they leave.

But it's Karina and with how in love you are with her, you'd do anything she wanted.

If she was offering to take you home, then home is where you will go.


She thanked your friends as they gave her your bags before she led you out the door.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

The question made her heart flutter just as much as her calling you baby made yours flutter.

She wishes that you weren't so oblivious to her dropping hints about how in love she with you she is, but then again she's oblivious to you doing the same.

She just smiled at you as she buckled your seatbelt for you.


She closed your door and then walked to the driver's seat before starting the car and driving off to your home.

You fell asleep on the ride there, unaware that Karina was looking over at you adoringly when she'd hit a stoplight or stop sign.

"Y/N? We're here." Karina softly spoke as she brushed her fingers across your arm to wake you.

Your eyes opened and met hers and it took everything in you to not lean over and kiss her, as the stars that were in her bright brown eyes left you mesmerized for a moment.

"Come on, let's get you inside."

You got out of the car and went into your house with her arm around you to keep you steady.

She helped you up the stairs and into your room, where she had you sit on the foot of your bed.

"I'll help you take off your makeup." She said and you watched her enter your bathroom, returning a moment later with your makeup wipes.

She knelt on the floor in front of you and took off your heels for you before she began to wipe off your makeup.

"You're beautiful." You whispered and watched her become a little flustered by your compliment.

"So are you." She said as she finished removing your makeup.

She put the dirty wipes into the trash before she stared back at you.

"Do you want to get out of this outfit? I can get you some new clothes to wear. Just tell me what you want."

As she gazed into your eyes, you tried so hard to resist the urge to kiss her.

It's something you've done for so long because you've been so afraid to confess your feelings to her.

But you couldn't resist anymore and, for the first time, you leaned in and captured her lips with yours.

Karina wanted more than anything to melt into your sweet kiss and feel your lips move against hers, but she worried and pulled away before you could deepen the kiss.

"Karina?" You worriedly mumbled.

"I want to kiss you, baby," She whispered softly. "But you're drunk. It wouldn't be right."

"Yes, it would. I might be drunk but I know I want to kiss you. Please don't hold back. I've wanted to kiss you for so long."

She could see the desire in your eyes.

It wasn't exactly lust but it was easy to see that you wanted her kiss and craved her touch.

And she felt the same.

So, trusting you, she put her lips on yours to kiss you again.

You melted instantly, feeling as though your head was in the clouds as she lovingly moved her lips on yours.

She laid you down on the mattress and you passionately made out, so lost in each other that she removed your outfit as you kissed each other deeply and you only felt a euphoric rush upon her doing that.

You didn't feel worried or insecure about her seeing your body, you felt love and appreciation for her as she made you feel more adored than you ever felt before.

After making out for a while, you fell asleep in her arms with her heartbeat in your ear and her lips brushing against your forehead and temple.

She fell asleep not long after you but she did force her heavy eyes to stay open so she could watch you sleep for a few minutes.

When the sun came up, you awoke to feel completely miserable.

As well as a little confused as to where your clothes had gone.

But when you saw Karina curled up in bed beside you, everything came back to you and you felt a rush of happiness flood over you.

However, that rush faded a little as your hangover hit and you jumped out of bed to run into the bathroom.

Karina awoke and rushed to your side, quickly comforting you.

"I've got you, darling." She comforted you as she rubbed your back and kissed your shoulder blade softly.

It was a rough few minutes but it was much easier to handle with Karina there by your side.

When you finished and brushed your teeth, you went into the bedroom and pulled one of your shirts over your head.

You went back to bed and when Karina sat down beside you, you curled up to her and let a comfortable silence hit the air.

"So... we made out last night?" You asked as you stared up at her.

"That we did." She smiled. "You don't regret it, right?"

"No." You softly spoke. "I never will. In fact, I've been wanting to make out with you for so long. I've dreamt about it."

"You've been so oblivious to me being head over heels in love with you for so long." She chuckled as she cupped your cheek.

"Yeah? Well, so have you. Because I'm in love with you too."

Your confession made her heart swell in her chest.

You closed your eyes as she kissed your forehead.

"Hangovers suck but I'm glad I got drunk last night, otherwise none of this would've happened."

She chuckled as she held you tighter.

"Don't worry, sweet girl. I'll take care of you."

And you knew she would.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now