your parents hurt you - aespa fifth member (requested)

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Author's note: trigger warning. This chapter contains possibly triggering content! Do not read if that makes you uncomfortable!


"Where do you think you're going?" Your mom asked as you made your way to the front door.

"To practice."

"Not today." Your dad said.

"But the girls and the company are expecting me. I can't just not show up!"

"Well, too bad. You're not going today. We need you to do some stuff for us instead." Your mom spoke.

You dropped your bag on the floor with a sad expression on your face.

You're used to your parents acting as though your idol life and your dreams are no big deal.

They've never been supportive of you and you knew from the day that you debuted in aespa, your parents would never understand your plans and the expectations put on you.

They just don't seem to care.

They only care about themselves as they sit back and drink, spending their days doing only that.

"I'm not your maid. Do those things on your own, I have to go to practice." You said, putting your foot down for once.

But in return, you only got a slap in the face, causing you to gasp in shock.

"Do not talk to us like that and do not go against what we say. You will do what we ask you to." Your father sternly, and scarily, said.

You nodded your head, not wanting to argue any further in fear.

But you had no idea that the girls were on their way to pick you up today, figuring it'd be a nice surprise.

So as you got ready to go back upstairs to empty your bag and do stuff around the house, the girls pulled up in the driveway.

"Who's that?" Your mom asked.

"The girls!" You said excitedly as you peeled out the window.

"You can't see them. Text them saying you're sick and can't make it today." Your dad said.

"But, Dad-"

You got another slap in return.

"Do not argue with me!" He screamed at you.

But this time, what your dad had done had been seen.

By the girls.

"Oh, my god," NingNing spoke as her heart sank.

Suddenly, the front door swung open and the girls stood there, angry and resentful towards your parents.

"Let her go," Winter said demandingly as she saw your dad gripping your wrist tightly.

"Or what?" He asked.

"You want to find out?" Karina asked. "Come on, buddy. Try me."

She wasn't afraid of your dad.

Despite how small she was compared to your father, she felt no fear when it came to protecting you.

Your dad let you go and you hurried to Karina, throwing your arms around her and clinging to her tight.

"She deserved it."

"Don't you ever say that!" Giselle yelled.
"Y/N is amazing. She deserves the world. She deserves so much better than this."

Your dad stepped closer to you, only for Karina to step in front of you.

"Don't you dare come near her. I swear, I will-"

"Karina, calm down," NingNing said as she put her hand on Karina's shoulder.

Karina was angrier than she's ever been before.

Her blood was boiling and her jaw was clenched, as were her fists.

She was ready to fight if it came down to it.

If it meant keeping you safe.

"Let's just get out of here," Winter spoke.

"You'll come back!" Your mom yelled.

"No. I won't." You told her before walking out the door.

"Someone will come to get her things. You're never going to see her again." Giselle promised your parents as she walked out the door.

You all got into the car and Karina drove it a bit before pulling over down the road when you were far enough away from your parents.

She put the car in park and all the girls looked at you in the passenger seat with tears in your eyes.

"You're never going back there," Karina said.

"I don't want to." You sniffled. "I've never wanted to. But they never gave me a choice."

"This is why you could never live in the dorm with us?" Winter asked.

"Yeah. They wouldn't let me. I had to be there for them, do things for them. They were never supportive of me and my dreams. They hated that I was becoming independent. They wanted to control me."

"Well, that's all changing today," NingNing said.

"We'll protect you, Y/N. No matter what." Giselle promised.

"Yeah, we'll keep you safe. You'll move into the dorm with us and we'll protect you. Always." Karina promised as she took your hand into hers.

You smiled at her a little and squeezed her hand as butterflies appeared in your chest.

You felt safe with her and the girls and you were relieved that you no longer had to hide what your parents do to you.

And you're especially relieved that you don't have to go through that anymore now that you have the girls to lean on and live with.

You were safe now.

All thanks to Karina and the girls.

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