you come home drunk (requested)

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The knock coming from the front door caused Karina to stir from her light sleep.

She quickly noticed that you still weren't home as you weren't in bed beside her and she worried about who might be knocking on the door.

So she quickly got out of bed and made her way downstairs to the front door and when she opened it, she breathed out a sigh of relief.

It was your friends and they were holding your drunken self up as you were too intoxicated to do it yourself.

"Sorry if we woke you, Karina. But we figured we'd bring her home as she's pretty drunk."

You let go of your friends to go to Karina and you threw your arms around her with a groan.

"She's had a lot to drink. She got a little carried away tonight."

"Oh, wonderful." Karina sighed. "Thanks for bringing her home."

"No problem. Bye, Y/N."

You drunkenly waved goodbye to them before Karina closed the door.

"Is somebody drunk?"

"No..." You said, dragging the word out with a drunken giggle.

Karina rolled her eyes before smiling at you.

"Come on, let's get you up to bed."

You were a bit of a clumsy drunk so Karina was very careful and slow when it came to helping you up the steps.

Once you were in the bedroom, she helped you out of your clothes and into your pajamas.

She could smell the alcohol on your breath, making her wrinkle her nose as she realized just how intoxicated you were.

"I had fun tonight but I missed you." You said as you stared into her eyes with a goofy smile.

"I missed you too, baby."

You leaned in for a kiss, only for her to dodge it and kiss your cheek instead.

"You're drunk, baby. No kisses. I know what's on your mind and there's no chance of that when you're this drunk."

You pouted but dropped it and went to lie down, only to sit back up as your stomach turned.

"I don't feel very well."

"Alcohol catching up to you already?" She worriedly asked.

Rubbing your back comfortingly, you closed your eyes and waited for the nauseous feeling to pass.

As it did, you breathed out a sigh of relief as you began to sober up a little.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby." She smiled and kissed your head. "Come on, lay down. You need some rest."

"I swear, I didn't drink that much tonight. I just had some fun."

"Also Baby, it's okay. You're drunk but I don't mind. I'll take care of you." She said as she laid down beside you. "I want you to let loose and go clubbing with your friends sometimes. I like seeing you enjoy yourself, even if it means you're hungover the next day."

You smiled a little as you closed your eyes.

"Cuddle me."

She happily did as you wanted her to.

Also a bit of an affectionate drunk, you always adore any type of love and affection you can get from Karina, especially when you're drunk.

"Get some rest."

You nodded.

"I'll take care of you when you're hungover tomorrow morning. Just wake me up, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight." You said, your words still slurred slightly as you were still drunk.

Karina just shook her head with a smile and kissed your shoulder blade before watching you fall asleep, knowing that in a few hours, you were bound to need her again.

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