cuddling after being intimate (requested)

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Karina's arms wrapped tightly around you as you breathlessly collapsed on top of her.

She could feel your heart pounding against your chest because you were so close and she was sure you could feel hers doing the same.

You brushed your lips against her skin and she cracked a smile in response before she began to brush her fingers through your hair.

"Are you alright?" She whispered.

"I'm so good." You replied before looking at her with a blissful smile. "How about you, darling?"

"So great." She grinned. "Is there anything I can get for you? Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine." You mumbled as you kissed her neck. "How about you?"

"I'm content just like this." She smiled. "I've got all I need right here."

You gazed at her with heavy eyes, cracking a happy but sleepy smile as her lips brushed against your forehead.

"Let's stay like this forever." She sighed contentedly. "We'll just cuddle and kiss and keep each other warm and close for the rest of time."

"That sounds like heaven." You whispered.

You put your cheek on her bare shoulder before brushing your fingers along her cheek.

Sometimes, you just can't help but wonder what you ever did to deserve her and you can't believe that she's yours.

You feel so incredibly grateful and find yourself constantly thanking your lucky stars for her because she's the most beautiful human being, inside and out, and you feel so lucky to be the one who gets to love her.

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours, darling?" She wondered.

"You. As always."

She smiled as her fingers danced along your spine.

"I'm so in love with you. It means the world to me when I get to show you that rather than just tell you. You're so beautiful, my love. I'm so lucky to have you."

"I feel the same way about you." She spoke.

You closed your eyes and she poked your sides playfully.

"Are you falling asleep on me?"

"Yes." You replied, making her laugh. "You're so warm and cozy. I've missed you. I've missed being this close to you."

"I've missed you too." She said before kissing your forehead. "Okay, darling. You can sleep, if you're tired."

"I'm exhausted." You sighed. "You wore me out."

"Good." She grinned. "I love you, Y/N,"

"I love you too, baby," You sleepily mumbled, still as close to her as you could possibly get.

Karina was happy to fall asleep with you just like this; with your cheek on her shoulder, your warm breath fanning against her skin, and her arms wrapped around your bare body to keep you as close as possible, even as you both drift off to sleep.

"Maybe we can do this all over again tomorrow since we both have the day off." She suggested, smirking.

"Sounds perfect." You smiled against her skin before falling asleep, cozy and warm with her holding you tight.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now