caught - part two (requested)

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"Hello, girls," Karina's mom spoke as she noticed you both sitting at the table in the restaurant, already looking over the menu. "It's so good to see you!"

You and Karina got out of the booth to get up and greet her mom and dad with big hugs before you sat back down.

They slid into the booth across from the two of you and Karina fixed her sweater anxiously, hoping that her parents wouldn't ask why she was so bundled up on such a warm day.

"How have things been? It feels like it's been forever since we had the chance to just sit down and see you both." Her dad said.

"Things have been great." Karina smiled.

"Yeah? Tell us more! What have you been up to the last couple of days?" Her mom asked.

You and Karina looked at each other because neither of you was very sure of how to answer that.

Lying to her parents when you've become pretty close to them since you and Karina got serious a few months back doesn't feel right.

But telling them the truth wasn't an option.

It was much too private and things they didn't need to hear.

So, you and Karina both replied... but with different answers.

"We watched movies," You replied.

"We caught up on sleep and tried some new recipes," Karina spoke at the same time as you.

That made her parents look at you both a little confused.

"And we watched some movies too." Karina chuckled nervously.

"Anything good?" Her dad asked curiously.

"No." You answered quickly, making her parents shrug before they looked at the menu that Karina passed over since you both decided on what you wanted already.

"Karina, honey. It's hot outside. Why are you wearing that sweater?" Her mom wondered.

The question had finally arrived and Karina nervously racked her brain to try and think of something.

"Take that off. You could have a heatstroke with that thing on!"

"I'm good." Karina quickly spoke.

"Don't you have a shirt on underneath?" Her dad frowned.

"Yeah, but I'm comfortable in this."

But her mom wasn't having it.

It was eighty-some degrees and the sweater Karina had on was undeniably making her feel overheated.

She wanted to use some coverup to hide the marks you had left behind in revenge last night but then, she remembered that neither of you could find it the day before when you met up with the girls.

She thought about wearing a scarf but it was so much easier to simply pull off if her parents got worried like they were now when it came to being too warm.

It just seemed like a recipe for disaster.

With her sweater, she felt like she had more control over it.

It couldn't easily be pulled off and it had a little turtleneck, so it covered all her hickeys.

But she should've seen this coming and she knew she wasn't going to get out of it so easily.

She looked at you with a pout as you smirked and took a sip of your drink.

You'd been embarrassed by the girls seeing your hickeys yesterday.

Now, you could finally get your revenge.

She sighed before pulling her sweater off and setting it aside before fixing her hair in hopes that her marks would be unnoticed.

But her parents caught a glimpse of them before she could hide them and they were quite shocked at the sight.

"That's why you had that on." Her dad said as he put the pieces together.

"Put it back on!" Her mom spoke.

"But you said to take it off. I don't want to overheat." Karina groaned.

"I don't care, put it back on!" Her mom said as Karina sighed and dropped her forehead against the table.

"Revenge is very sweet." You quietly mumbled before giggling to yourself.

"Mom, Dad, I can explain-"

"We're good. We don't need an explanation." Her dad quickly said as he raised his hands slightly.

"We know how in love you two are and we're happy for you. We love to see you both so happy and so deeply in love with each other... but please, next time, do a better job of hiding that."

"Better yet, don't do... that the night before so we don't have to see them." Her dad suggested with a chuckle.

"I'm not the only one. Y/N has them too." Karina said to which you shook your head with a groan. "Sorry."

"Wear a scarf, use some makeup, do anything but wear a thick sweater that'll make you sweat like crazy and you know you won't be able to keep on the whole time."

"Okay, Mom, I understand," Karina whined. "Can we drop it now?"

"Can you put your sweater back on?" Her mom asked.

"Sure. I'll just have a heatstroke in the process." Karina huffed before putting her sweater back on, fixing the turtleneck, and pulling the sleeves up her arms.

"Better." Her dad nodded.

"Let's order, shall we?" You asked, fixing the sleeves of your sweater as well, as the waitress came over to take your orders.

Karina's cheeks were still warm and she still felt embarrassed by the situation.

But she knew she'd had it coming and you had gotten your revenge, which you deserved to get after yesterday.

She couldn't complain too much about it.

She might pout and whine at you a little but she knows her parents still adore you regardless of the situation and she feels pretty lucky and happy overall.

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