I'm not mad (requested)

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"You look so beautiful." Karina smiled as she watched you finish getting ready. "Your fans are going to love you tonight."

"Thanks, babe." You said before she kissed your lips.

"So, I was thinking after you finish your show tonight we can go back to your hotel room and order some room service. We could watch some movies and make out if you want to." She suggested as she kissed your jaw.

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry but I have plans already. Some of the crew members and staff and I planned to get some drinks."

"But that's what you've done every night of this tour so far. Don't you want to spend time with me?"

"Of course I do." You said as a sad look appeared on your face.

"That's why I came along with you while you toured over the next couple of weeks. So we didn't have to be apart and we could still be together."

"I know but I have plans. We'll do that another night, maybe when we go to Amsterdam in a few days."

She folded her arms across her chest and clenched her jaw.

"Why are you mad at me?" You asked.

"You already know." She grumbled.

"Y/N, showtime!" One of your staff members yelled.

You put your in-ears in and then shook your head at your girlfriend, feeling just as mad and disappointed as she did as you walked out on stage.

Karina went to take her seat in the front row, although she wasn't all that thrilled as she should be about watching you shine on stage tonight.

You're not on that long of a tour, just three weeks or so.

You're traveling across the world and Karina wanted to tag along so she can watch you shine and be with you.

But every night, you just go out and celebrate after your show and she knows that's normal.

But she wishes that you'd celebrate with her too by spending some time with her.

It hurt her feelings a little that you'd rather go out each night than spend time with her.

She wanted to praise you and remind you about how proud she is of you and how much she loves you.

But she hasn't gotten that chance yet.

As you performed, your fans sang along to each song at the top of their lungs as they screamed and cheered loudly for you.

But something happened.

Something terrifying to witness.

You walked to the edge of the stage and touched a few of your fans' hands as you sang.

But you got too close to the edge and Karina and the thousands of fans in the crowd watched you fall off the stage.

"Oh my god!" Karina said as she rushed to your side.

You were laying on the ground, wincing over the pain in your ankle.

"Is she okay? Is she going to be able to finish the show?" You heard fans ask as they panicked and spoke to each other.

"Help!" Karina yelled as the medics ran to your side. "Are you okay, baby? What happened?"

"I don't know. I must've lost my balance and stepped too close to the edge. My ankle hurts."

Thankfully, your ankle was only sprained, but it was enough to make you wonder if you'd be able to finish the show.

You were guided backstage as the medics helped take care of your ankle.

It was swollen and sore so they used an elastic bandage to cover it and then put some ice on it.

Karina held your hand the whole time, kissing it and squeezing it in comfort.

"Are you still mad at me?" You asked Karina when the medics left the room for a moment.

"What?" She asked in surprise. "After you got injured? Are you kidding? No, darling, I'm not mad anymore. Not at all."

You smiled a little, though it faded as the argument weighed heavily on your mind.

"You know I want to spend time with you, right? I wouldn't ever just forget about you or ignore you. I'm sorry. You're right when I said that I celebrated every night with everyone else. It's time I focus on celebrating with my girl and I'm very sorry that I made you feel bad."

"Hey," She softly spoke as she kissed your hand once more. "I know. Don't worry about it, let's forget it all."

"Okay." You smiled a little before she leaned in and pecked your lips.

"I'm just happy that you're going to be okay. A sprained ankle is so much better than what could've happened." She said. "I love you so much. I'll take care of you and support you in any way that I can."

"I know you will. Thank you, baby. I love you too."

She brushed her thumb across your knuckles, so happy that everything was better now.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now