It comes with a cost

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For most of my life I've always felt off. 

I gained courage to come out to my folks; they didn't have a chance to respond since I had to leave to my job as a sailor.

My team already knew I was into girls & never talk about it which I like. 

On our Voyage a huge wave split the boat in half.

when I woke up we're on an island, I was still in shock & just remembering how I left things with my folks; until Sage 1 of my team members got me out of my thoughts.

we didn't have time when we were in the boat to know 1 another, so I told her my name is Drew. 

After that we just talked which was a great distraction.

Ray, another member of our team was also into Sage, but she was interested in him that way.

It was nearly a month until someone found us.

At that point me & Sage were inseparable [ meaning when no 1 was looking sex happens almost all the time]

when we got off the plain that landed back in our home state our families were their to greet us.

My folks didn't show up, however, my Uncle did to whom I never see by the way.

He explained that my folks died in a car crash.

I cried in the airport while Sage was holding me in her arms.

2 days later we held a wake for them & Sage never left my side & even my friend [team] was there to help out.

It was a week before I sold the House & gave things to either friends or family, the rest to donation or I kept it with me on my boat.

Oh I should mention that during all of this Sage moved in with me on my boat.

Ray was still trying to hit on Sage, so she kissed me in front of our whole team at the bar.

some of them already knew about us, but Ray didn't get it through his head.

thankfully it worked since Ray few days later left the team & we didn't care.

I still felt numb for the longest time about my parents death, but without my friends [team] & Sage I don't know where I'll be.

I'll never let them down. 

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