Twin work makes the dream work

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Hi my name is Maddie, I have an identical twin sister Kate.

I was born 2 months early for a condition I had.

I was tough kid to survive through it all.

When we turned 10 Kate wanted me in her life more [ then we already were], so she gave me everything she kept to herself [ secrets, desires, etc] & I became her base of operations.

Kate loves to make deals with all kids of people; this kept on going for 10 long years.

Anywhere she needed me to move I moved there, but I didn't need a job since her dealing made my life more lazy; which I loved by the way.

The 1 problem I had with this job she gave me was stupid thugs, thieves,killers, once a lover that was weird; until I learned she had gone missing.

oh 1 more thing you should know is 5 years into our new life, Kate started to date 'Frankie'[ whom by the way is the reason I knew Kate was missing] who is smocking hot.

My sis Kate knows how to get out of tough issues; that is why she out doing that while I , keep everything in order on home base.

it took about a week for Kate to get back to us which Frankie the shot to pop the [?] to Kate [finally I should say]

1 thing you should know I suck with relationships, so on the day of their wedding their gift to me was a dog who could keep me company on those rough days.

By the time we hit 40 our we got the ability to retire with money for both her kids & I'm set till I die.

I writing this since she wouldn't, so to my nieces & nephew I hope that knowing some part of your family helps you to get a good person to share your life with; I'm lucky your mommy took me in like she did. 

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