Chapter 4: Sacrilegious

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The strong smell of incense filled Ari's nose with its aromatic embrace, eliciting a sigh of relaxation. The scent, whether amyris or sandalwood, did not matter; it had a calming effect on his mind with each inhale. In some strange way, he found himself liking the fragrance. As his eyes opened, a set of amber eyes gazed into his, causing Ari to flinch and instinctively back up against the wooden board of the bed. His head connected with the wall, sending a dull ache through it. Auovin stifled a laugh.

"Little Ari," Auovin's voice sent a chill through him.

Ari looked around, searching for familiarity, but found none. Again, his head filled with fog, and he could hardly remember much after they left the church. Were they at the temple? No. Ari shook his head as it throbbed. As the shutters blew open, the sheet that covered him fluttered away, making Ari realize his shirt was missing. He clenched down harder onto the bed, balling up the sheets, especially as Auovin leaned towards him. His body seemed much smaller and delicate compared to Auovin's.

"I have seen every little morsel of your body, Ari. Such acts of coyness are unneeded," he grinned, causing Ari to sneer and hastily put the covering back over him. Ari was never one to be shy about bareness, but to the demon, he was food. With every gaze, Auovin looked as if he wanted to eat him, and it unnerved him.

"You grow more tired by the days, Ari, and I do not believe it is because of your wounds."

Ari watched as Auovin's gaze trailed down his body. Auovin's eyes lingered on his neck before meeting his eyes again. "None of them are infected, and your infection has long since passed."

The demon continued to stare, causing Ari to look away from him, uncomfortable with such closeness. He could feel Auovin's breath hot upon his cheek, causing goosebumps to surface on his skin.

"You are quite healed as well, so it makes me wonder."

"Wonder away from me then. I do not like you so close." Ari pressed a hand to his chest, wanting to push him away, but the demon only smiled and pressed closer.

Auovin's hair dangled on each side as it touched his face as he said, "I am always close, Ari, and never far."

"I do not care for your cryptic riddles and rhymes," Ari hissed, turning away from him.

"What riddles and rhymes?" Auovin moved close to him again. "All that needs to be known has been said."

"Auovin," Cyrus called.

"Yes?" Ari watched him move away from him to turn and look at Cyrus.

"The other two have been making some noise once again, and it is becoming a nuisance to me."

Auovin rubbed an eye and continued rising from the bed. "You cannot kill everything you dislike, pet."

"And why can I not?"

Auovin walked closer to him and said, "because I said so."

"No, it is not your will I am to follow. It is his," Cyrus growled and looked at Ari with malice. "Is it not?"

Ari watched in surprise as Auovin kissed Cyrus' cheek, silencing him. They had a fondness for each other. But, again, Ari thought, it was not love. Auovin spared Ari one last glance before grabbing Cyrus' wrist and tugging him out of the room, leaving Ari alone with his useless thoughts and emotions.

His eyes lowered to his hands, fumbling them over and over again. He noticed at once the dirt underneath his fingernails was gone. The rest of his hands down to his chest were free of it as well, causing Ari's heart to thump against his chest. Did he bathe him? The thought sent heat through his cheeks and flushed his face red. He could not have. Freir and Rein, yes, they must have.

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