Chapter 7: Discovery

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Ari could smell the ocean and hear the waves crashing into rocks. He opened his mouth and tasted the saltiness of it from the air. As he ventured out into the forest, he saw the houses and fortresses made by the Khaeo out in the distance. There was a bitter taste left in his mouth for deciding to go to a place that thought to use and deceive him. However, no matter the reason, they had raised him and taken care of him. He had met Freir who was very much like a father to him. For him, the final decision was made. Ari could not think to leave him without saying goodbye.

Although he thought that way, Ari could not help but feel the distance set between Auovin and him. There was an emptiness filling the pits of his stomach now. He wanted to go with them, but Cyrus only stressed for him to leave. Ari was chewing on his lip when he heard the sounds of swords crashing into one another. They were followed by shouts and gruff laughter. He did not know the Khaeo had been so near demon country. He was having second thoughts about returning. He did not know he would arrive so early, but he wanted to see Freir.

Their voices grew closer. The gate was nearing causing him to stop and look around. He fixed his shirt and hair in a way that covered the bite marks littering his neck.

"Name," a man opened a latch and peered out at him through the slit.


"Why are you so near demon country? What mission had you been on?"

"I had a mission in Assania near the border of Vermur, but we had gotten in some trouble causing many complications. We missed the meeting, as a result. I do not know the code."

The man's eyes narrowed at him. Ari could tell he did not believe in his words. Still, Ari's eyes never left his. Soon the door opened, letting him inside.

"The church a week or so walk from here... You had been there?"

Ari looked up at the man. Scars and scratches littered his arms and face. His left eye was permanently closed with a nasty gash going across it. It looked fresh. It smelled fresh which made Ari's nose scrunch and turn his head away.

"I had... "

"It was a slaughter," another man approaching him said. He stood a couple steps away from him and towered above him like a massive tree. His dark eyes peered into his before he shook his head and looked towards the man who opened the door.

It was because of Auovin, Ari would have liked to say, but he knew that was not the truth. It was his fault. The reason why those men and women lost their lives that day. What was really hard to admit was the lack of sadness or remorse he had. It was because they had treated him so poorly; that was his excuse, but he knew it was something else.

"But they would not dare to attack any cities so deep inside Assania without a reason." He touched his sword hanging casually off the side of himself before outstretching his hand to Ari.

"I am Einar." He pointed to the man who let him inside. "That there is Berit. You are?"

"Ari." Ari ducked his head and lowered his eyes in respect to his uppers.

"Who was accompanying you there?" Berit asked.

"Freir and Rein," Ari said.

The two men gave each other look before they laughed.

"Probably went and left you to fuck or do some other—"

"Berit, not so loud. Do you want one of the priests to hear us?" Einar hissed.

Berit continued to laugh and hit his thigh with his meaty hand. It was as if they knew of their relationship already. Did everyone know, aside from him?

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