Chapter 12.4: Liar

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Ari looked at Kaval as he tugged him through the woods. It was day and the sun was high and shining in the clear blue sky. It was a stark contrast to the dark woods they were walking through. They had thick trunks combined with skinny branches looking more and more like arms and fingers as they walked through them. It unnerved Ari, but Kaval was there. However, he was a liar. It made traveling with him dangerous. He had not forgotten Kaval's words to him even when he was upset. 

"You have gray eyes," Ari said almost as a whisper. 

"I do."

"Like mine." Kaval nodded. "But darker." 

"This is true," Kaval answered. 

"Are the rest like you... ?"

"The rest?"

"Do not lie to me, Kaval." 

Kaval dropped Ari's arm and turned to face him. His face wore no expression. Just a sense of amusement played in his eyes. It was like a game. All of this was like a game to him. No. Ari paused in his thoughts looking at how his hands clenched in and out of fists. Was it out of impatience or anger? Ari has never seen any of those emotions come from Kaval. It disturbed him. Had he hit a nerve? 

"You are no guardian or whatever... I am not your master. I could never be... You are just weak right now and need blood. Mine, for whatever reason that may be."

"What reason that may be?" Kaval smirked. "Do not play dumb. You are what you are. Embrace it." 

Ari swallowed dryly. 

"After all, it was I who called to you and you heard me."

Kaval petted his head before cupping his face in his hands. "You are like me, but you are like them as well." Ari shook his hand from his head and backed away, but Kaval grabbed him forward and yanked him closer. "Koli tried to dispose of you before I got to you, but what a dumb thing she is. She must have forgotten... how we ate them all."

Ari's wide eyes met with Kaval's. 

"No, I am not one of them as you said. I am something much more extraordinary. A Great, as they call us," Kaval whispered in his ear as his smile pressed onto Ari's skin. "But so are you."

Ari grabbed his hand in his causing Kaval to press a kiss to it. 

"I quite like you... so do not fear me. Let nothing change between us. I will take care of you in her stead." 

"Fear is not what I feel when I look at you. It is not what I see either. All I see is a liar and I feel nothing but disgust growing in the pits of my stomach when I look at you. How dare you speak of Auovin the way you have when the one thing he had not ever done you did."

"Ari... "

"I used to believe I did not know who to trust, but I know now. You are just like the rest. You are no different." 

"Yes, I lied, but what difference would it have made?"

"I would not have treated you any differently. If you would have been honest... It is hard enough with everything as is, but you, Kaval, I expected more." Ari licked his lips as silence fell between them. "I do not need to be taken care of. What parents I had are gone now. I have one father unrelated by blood, but he is like blood to me regardless. I do not need your pity. I do not want it."

"Pity is not what I meant to give you."

Ari stared into his eyes. "What did you mean to give me?" 

"The world. The world if you want it. The skies, the seas, even the very air if you would like it."

"I do not want it."

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