Chapter 9.4: Envelop

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Ari ran his fingers through Cyrus' hair, pressing him closer to him if it was possible. Warm fingers trailed up his sides, bringing his shirt forward, causing Ari's eyes to flutter open. Ari waited for Cyrus to separate his lips from his before Ari decided to take in a shaky breath, not really knowing what to do next. His heart was drumming through his ears now. Ari could hardly focus on Cyrus when his hands were touching in places Ari was not so used to being touched.

It was not as if Ari did not welcome his gentle touch. No, that was not it. Ari was aching to feel how his skin would feel against his own. It was unbelievably soft against his fingertips. Ari took his hand through his hair as his eyes locked onto Cyrus'. But there was a queasy feeling growing in the pits of his stomach. He could barely hold Cyrus' eyes for long without looking away. Why was he like this? He could not be like this with Cyrus.

"You are the one who seduced me and yet you are like this." Cyrus smiled. "You have no charm about you... "

"Yet I am here... and you are here. There must be something charming about me other than this pretty face of mine."

"You do not listen well. That is why."

"Are you not the ones who taught me to take what I want and leave nothing behind? What meaning does listening hold when it gets in the way?" Ari did not care for Cyrus' words when he became like this. It took a bit of time to understand such a complex creature as him, but Ari knew better than to hold much value in his words at certain times such as this one.

"You speak to me as if I am your equal when I am older and you are younger. You are so free-mouthed and willful because Auovin has spoiled you too much and did not bother with teaching you the customs and rules that govern us." Cyrus slid his hand further up his sides. Ari did his best to ignore the tingling sensation that came with his light touches, but it was hard.

"You are so pretty, but your words... " Ari laughed. "Nonetheless, I like you either way. I want to like you more and fall in love with everything that is you."

"How can you say that when you do not even know what love is?"

"Teach me. Show me, and I will learn soon enough."

Cyrus' hands lingered at Ari's sides for a little longer before he removed them and rose away from him.

"It is not something that can be simply taught or learned as humans would like to think... It is something that is felt. Here." Cyrus touched where Ari's heart laid. "When we love, it is eternal and everlasting. A curse and a blessing, so be careful who you decide to give your heart to."

Ari stared closely at Cyrus, wishing he could see more than just a silhouette in the darkness. Cyrus was strange and just as peculiar as Sai. The one feeling Cyrus always left with him was the genuine concern for him. Ari never once was uncertain of feelings. Cyrus made it clear to him when he despised him and made it clear when he cared for him as well. The only question going through Ari's mind now was if Cyrus could ever love him in the same way as he loved Auovin.

Instead of expressing his want for Cyrus to touch him in other places, Ari rose and brought Cyrus into another kiss. It was addicting, his lips and the taste that came with it. Cyrus pulled Ari's shirt from over him and pushed his back against the bed with his body. Ari shuddered at the touch of Cyrus' bare skin touching his. Ari's hands fell down to his lower back wanting to bring him closer. It was as smooth and soft as his chest which Ari thought as odd. Where were his markings? The thoughts melted away the moment Cyrus coaxed his mouth open once more.

Ari was growing hot in places that had not even by touched by Cyrus' hands. His groin was tightening and his breath was leaving him as quick his thoughts were. Still, there was place Ari could not help but want to touch, so the growing tension building there would dissipate as quickly as it did when he was in the bath.

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