Chapter 5.2: Marks

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The way Freir silently stared at Rein made the tension in the room become deafening. Rein continued to look downward as Freir walked over to him, grabbing his chin in his hand. Would he hurt him? Ari stopped himself from going over there just as his foot moved in their direction. Freir would never cause him physical harm because he was irate with him. It was between the two of them, and Ari had not much to say on the matter.

"I am sure that thing has taken quite a liking to you," Freir hissed, causing Rein to move his head from his grip.

"What does it matter if he did? It means nothing."

"Nothing?" Freir questioned.


They stared at one another before Freir's eyes narrowed into tiny little slits.

It was late and Ari wanted to sleep, but he could not with their noise and the tension cutting through the air. He eyed the door for a moment, just as he saw Rein trying to take Freir's hand in his, but Freir moved it away.

"You see a pretty face and nothing else seems to matter."

Rein's eyebrows furrowed causing Ari to bite on the inside of his cheek. Jealousy was not a pretty thing to see among lovers. He looked back at Freir's angry expression and sighed. He had given him the same expression many times when he was younger when he did something he disapproved of. It always made him feel small. If he felt like that, Ari could hardly comprehend what Rein felt at that moment.

Rein's face was clear of hair for once, which made Ari notice his darkening expression more than ever before. Hazel eyes? Ari had never realized it before. He could never look him in the eyes much when he was younger because he was so intimidating. Now, as he looked at Rein, he wore the same expression as a child being scolded. His brown skin was flushed red, and his lips were tightly drawn.

"...That is not it, Freir," Rein mumbled but Freir only scoffed.

"I do not care."


"Do what you want."

Rein grabbed his arm and tugged him back towards himself. He was leaner than Freir, but he had a similar strength, Ari realized.

"You are jealous, admit it. Once you do, let it go. I want no other but you. It has only ever been you, and it will always be you, so stop with this nonsense." Rein traced his thumb down the scar on Freir's face, causing Ari to look away. He eyed the door again and headed out this time.

It was quiet outside the room, and the air was refreshing. Ari stepped outside and exhaled loudly. He did not want to be like that, to become consumed by jealousy. Even though Freir displayed anger, Ari sensed the underlying hurt in his voice. Why would he want to get so close to someone that they could hurt him with something as simple as being friendly with someone else? Freir was right. Ari did not want to become like him.

He journeyed further into the forest, wanting to clear his head and distance himself from demons and humans alike. His mind was growing hazy, filled with confusion. Ari needed to unravel the mess of thoughts swirling within him. More importantly, he had to discern if his feelings for Auovin mirrored the emotions felt between Rein and Freir. He hoped it was not the same. Ari wished it was just a fleeting emotion, something that would fade away with time. Auovin captivated him, leading his curious mind to venture closer and closer to the edge of sin.

As soon as he spotted steam rising from the clearing up ahead, Ari brought his shirt up to his head and stopped suddenly. A pair of eyes bore into his chest, causing him to pull it back down and look at Auovin with wide eyes.

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