Chapter 4.2: Astray

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Ari felt the cold chill of the wind brush against his face, causing him to shiver. He looked to Freir and Rein, who continued to mumble words to each other under their breaths. Rein glanced back at Ari for a moment before kissing Freir's lips, causing Ari's eyes to narrow and a wave of heat to wash over him. He had never disliked a person as much as he disliked Rein, and the feeling was ever-growing now that he was stuck with him. Clasping his hands tight against himself, Ari walked further, thinking, 'One more day until they were at the temple.'

"Ari." He looked over his shoulder to see where the voice came from and continued on ahead.

"Ari," Auovin called out again, but Ari ignored him. Ever since that day, Ari had distanced himself from the demon. He was scolded because of him and the many temptations he presented with just his presence alone.

Auovin stood in front of him in the next moment, causing Ari's eyes to go wide, taking a couple of steps backward from surprise. He felt Auovin's fingers at his chin, forcing him to look at him. His honeyed eyes gazed into his which made Ari feel small under their intensity.

"Ignoring me will do you no good."

"Move away from me," Ari smacked his hand away and tried to walk away, but Auovin grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched Auovin's eyes narrow into tiny little slits.

"Your ignorance can only save you so much. I do not take so much insolence from anyone, and now you are beginning to try me," Auovin said in an even voice. His grip grew tight around Ari's wrist as he tried to move away, and soon a small cry of pain tore from his lips. Cyrus stood between Freir and Rein as they turned around, attempting to get to him.

"When your entire world comes apart right before your eyes, all you will have left will be me, not them." Ari glanced at Freir and Rein before turning his attention back to Auovin.

Auovin let go of his wrist and continued to walk on, leaving him to his thoughts. Ari rubbed his wrist just as Freir grabbed it from him and inspected it for any major injury.

"Are you fine?" Freir asked, with Rein looking on, awaiting his answer.

"I am," Ari replied, not wanting to say any more than that. He could still feel the hot touch of Auovin's hands burning into his skin.

This is a bad time to piss off that demon now, Ari," Freir warned.

"Vulgar language, Freir," Rein noted, causing Freir to purse his lips and move away from him.

"We are getting closer. Soon the barrier will take effect," Freir explained.

Ari looked up.

"The demons will weaken, and the Sanclii around the temple will do what they see fit with them. Do not mumble a word of it to them," Rein said, staring directly into Ari's eyes, as if seeking a reaction that did not align with his statement.

Ari only looked ahead at the back of Auovin as Cyrus trailed silently behind him.

"See, I told you, the boy is fine," Freir looked at him and smiled.

"I do not think so. I do not think so at all. He has been alone with it. He may have already spoken its name. Already, he is being led astray."

"Lighten up on him, Rein. He would never do such a thing. I had warned him of it. He listens well," Freir defended.

Ari swallowed.

"He is young, Freir. Young boys do stupid things all the time. He is no exception just because Nolan favors the boy." Freir pulled Rein close and whispered something in his ear that caused Rein to scoff and fling his arms away from him.

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