Chapter: 6.5 Distance

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The fire had gone out some hours ago even though it was still well into the early morning. Ari watched it in silence, willing himself not to succumb to sleep. When Ari could faintly make out the light snore of Freir and the even breaths of Rein, he rose from the ground. He did it as quietly as possible without so much as a rustle from the grass surrounding them.

His body felt heavy and sore. There was a ringing in his head now accompanied by an itch in the back of his throat that would not go away.

Ari blinked a few more times, adjusting his eyes to the darkness more. After taking Auovin's blood, his vision grew clearer as well as his hearing. He could not see everything in the dark, but he could make out the outlines of trees and grass, even animals. His sense of smell was always impeccable, but it grew far much more than he could have ever imagined. He inhaled deeply catching the scent of Cyrus and Auovin's blood. Along with that, came the smell of demons. He took one last long look at Freir before heading southeast.

It was quiet and it was cold. As he breathed, he saw his breath formed small clouds, disappearing within seconds. He wrapped his arms tight around himself and clamped his mouth shut to stop his teeth from chattering. It was then he was beginning to miss Freir and his warmth. Regret and the pressing desire to go back was eating away at him, peeling off bits and pieces of his resolve.

Ari dug his fingers into his upper arm. It made him feel pain which caused his blood to circulate more through his body, warming him. He could feel his cheeks burning from the cold and his fingers stiffening. The smell of Cyrus and Auovin was still far. As he looked around in the dark, he felt a presence nearby. He swung his head left before swinging it right. It was multiplying. He bit down against his lip, preparing himself, but all that came out was a very furry looking squirrel. Two and then three more came scurrying across the forest floor and up onto a nearby oak tree.

Its branches were long like fingers curling into claws. The bark was peeling off and a stench of something dying came from it, causing Ari to back away. As he looked closer, it was oozing out a dark, thick mucous that came from all parts of the tree. He swallowed and thought to leave, but as if the tree had eyes it turned and swayed catching his attention once more.

The wind was chilling, but upon his cheek it whispered words, it seemed. They were still in demon country and many things about the place was left unknown and unexplored. Not even the Khaeo dared to venture so far north. It was with good reason, Ari figured. He stared at the tree and the tree stared back, causing Ari to shudder. Again, he looked around himself and decided to leave slowly without turning his back to it. Something about it gave him an ominous feeling, but he pushed the thought aside and left as far away as he could from it. The wind howled and the trees moaned. He could hear them now, which frightened him.

They sounded as if they were in pain and dying. Their limbs reaching closer to the ground with each turn of his head. He covered his ears and walked, but he could still hear them.

Was he hallucinating? Was this because of his lack of blood? Just the thought made Ari nauseous and his head spin. He steadied himself on a tree doing his best to keep his breath even. When he took his hand back, his palm was covered in warm sap. Sap that smelled of death and decay. He wiped it onto his pants and trudged ahead.

It was muddy and humid the further he went. A fog was creeping into the early morning along with the small bits of sunlight peaking from the east. The sky was turning blue, but darkness still lingered inside the forest. It was too dense for much light to seep through. His eyes were heavy with sleep. He made a mental note to himself to never do something like this again. He felt like he had walked for hours with each hour being longer than the last.

Ari heard a smack come from nearby, causing him to shake himself awake and run towards the sound. He heard shouting next following by a thud and strained breath.

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