Chapter 4.1: Lust

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"Do you want to be kissed? Ari pushed Auovin's face away causing Auovin to laugh. Ari, feeling a mix of irritation and embarrassment, sensed the mockery in Auovin's demeanor.

"Are you jealous, perhaps?" Auovin teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Of what and who? There is no reason for me to be jealous of anything related to you," Ari retorted, his tone sharp. Brushing him off, Ari continued to layer a thicker shirt over the thinner one. Despite the summer setting, Assania's nights mimicked winter's chill, and its winters mirrored the warmth of summer days. Dressing in layers became a necessity for survival in Assania's unpredictable weather.

Just as he pulled the shirt over his head, Ari felt a sudden intrusion—a cold hand snaking its way inside his thinner shirt, causing him to jolt away. The demon laughed louder, a taunting sound to Ari's discomfort.

"Do you find this so amusing? Touching me and harassing me like this? It is not," Ari said, aware that the demon allowed him a false sense of freedom and choice.

"You are quite... " The demon paused, thumbing his bottom lip as if lost in contemplation. "Precious."

Despite Ari's resistance, he still felt the lingering touch on his side as the demon smiled and pressed closer.

"It saddens me to think you will not be like this in the coming times."

Ari moved his hand and continued to put the shirt on himself. It was time for them to leave. Rein was still injured but he could walk if someone helped carry his weight. Ari would have never thought Auovin would agree to give Rein the proper treatment that he needed. Yet, a nagging suspicion lingered – he knew the demon had motives, likely expecting something substantial in return.

Descending the stairs, Ari discovered Rein slumped against Freir's shoulder. His pallid face and shallow breaths raised concerns, beads of sweat streaming down his face. Ari cast a skeptical look at Freir.

"Do not say it. Do not ever say it," Freir warned, pushing Ari aside as he moved towards the door."

Losing so much blood had weakened him, leaving his body vulnerable to infection—an ailment seen in battles fought against demons. Some attributed it to poisoned blood, while Sanclii referred to it as Taint, a malevolent essence that emanated from demons.

Cyrus emerged from a nearby room, his eyes locking with Ari's. Ari was still filled with disbelief that Auovin loved him in such a way. For what reasons did he love him for and how did they come to be, Ari pondered. If Auovin could love something, Ari thought the impossible could become possible. However, Ari knew it was not love. It could not be. Ari's face warmed as Auovin caught him staring, causing Auovin's grin to worsen. He held no jealousy for no one or for any such thing. Jealousy was the growing seed of envy. Harbored and nurtured, it could sprout into greed and lust. His eyebrows knitted in thought. Lust?

"Little Ari, this way or your friends will leave you." Auovin pressed a hand to his back and guided him out the door of the opulent house. Ari caught up to Freir, who walked alongside Cyrus. However, Auovin abruptly yanked him back with a forceful tug on his collar.

"Why not entertain me with your words some more? I do find them amusing," Auovin suggested, his tone carrying a hint of mockery.

There was a tense silence during the walk from the house into the once lively but now deserted city. Only months ago, it resonated with music and laughter, and the current desolation felt unsettling. The air was filled with nothing but the distant caws of crows and the haunting howl of the wind against their ears. Ari, searching for a cause and reason, glanced around, only to stop abruptly, his eyes drawn to Auovin with a knowing sense.

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