Chapter 2: Name

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A week's journey away from their section's gathering was all that was left. If Rein had gotten away as Freir liked to believe he had, they would be upon him soon enough. In that time, they had to be rid of the demon. It could go no farther.

"Lift your arm up," Freir said.

Freir grabbed his left arm and lifted it as he applied a new bandage over his wound. He had done the same to his leg, making sure it had not gotten infected. The demon was quite keen on that as well. It would do him no good if his blood was filled with illness, Ari ventured to guess.

Freir gave his side a pat as he finished and said, "I have seen you in better shape."

Ari chuckled. "I am healing well, am I not? Or is it now you find me to be a burden?"

"You have always been one."

Ari could not help but laugh as Freir flashed a smile. He pulled him into a hug, surprising Ari. The hug was short-lived, as Freir revealed his true intent in a whisper in his ear.

"Never take its blood and never speak its name, Ari," Freir admonished.

Freir moved away from him as his eyes grew wider with questions. Compared to Freir, he was a fledgling demon hunter. Freir had done this for well over two decades whereas he had only done it for a half of one. From the moment they encountered it he—

Ari paused in his thoughts.

With time to reflect, Freir had possessed knowledge about the demon since their first encounter. He had advised Ari to run, and offered his blood instead. From the start, Freir had recognized the true nature of this demon. It was no ordinary one, which was evident in Freir's precautious demeanor.

The door swung open, then slammed shut with a resounding bang. Ari tensed.

"Away, away, smelly thing. Get away from my little human." It crouched down in front of Ari as Freir did as was told suppressing his glower. He was biding his time, Ari knew, so he would bide his time as well.

Ari attempted to avert his gaze, but it lifted his head, compelling him to meet its scorching eyes.

"How are you?" it asked.

"I am fine," Ari mumbled, uneasy.

It tilted Ari's head to the right and then back to the left. Its finger traced down the wound it gave him with the dagger. It withdrew its fingers, offering him a small smile and said, "Are you hungry?"

Ari's stomach growled, signaling his hunger. He nodded in agreement; there was no point in denying it.

It brought a small wicker basket from behind itself and sat it in front of him. It was full of fruits, bread, and some dried meat. His mouth watered for the taste of fresh food, but he would not be deceived.

"Now, what is it that you say when one does good to the other?"

Ari closed his eyes and simmered down an oncoming hiss.

"Thank... you."

"Very good. See, with a little training look at all the progress that has been made," it chuckled, fixing its gaze on his eyes, anticipating a response that may lead to it acting upon its warning.

As much as Ari detested its presence, he could not help the swelling curiosity amassing. The more time he spent around it the less he thought of it as an it. It was different from most demons. It could speak. It knew of things such as morals and values even when it had none. The demon was intelligent and in possession of great knowledge. Knowledge the Khaeo sought. Was that the true reason for their hunt?

Daevas -I- ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora