Chapter 3.2: Taint

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"Where do the shadows go off to once the sun is gone and the moon rises? Have you ever wondered?" The voice of a priest bellowed out the daily sermon as they passed through the town.

Freir put a hand out in front of him once he noticed Rein had stopped to listen. Ari disliked Rein. It was no secret, but his dislike of him grew since that night. He respected him for his steadfast way in believing every honeyed word that dripped from the priest's mouths about holiness and righteousness. However, he could not say that any longer. No, not anymore. It was no longer enough.

"They steal into the night like the demons that prey upon us. Hiding under beds, inside closets, behind shutters and doors, they watch and they wait," the priest continued as the gasps echoed through the small crowd of people.

"But fear not. Those who are the gods' children will not be harmed. No, these demons cannot touch the holy and the pure. They go only after the sinners and the tainted. Give now to our mission, so that we can cast this evil out once and for all."

The jingle of coins echoed in Ari's ears as he looked up at the robed priest standing at a makeshift podium where the can of coins lay. Cloaked in a dark, hooded robe with a frayed rope cinched around his waist, the man's face remained mostly shrouded. It was evident, however, that he belonged to the Khaeo. As the crowd dispersed, Freir seized Ari's arm, urging him toward the priest.

"Must we do this now?" Ari hissed.

"He is our brother," Freir said.

"A priest," Rein added, causing Ari's glare to intensify.

"Eryk," Freir said as he bent down to one knee bringing Ari down with him. Freir bowed his head before the priests crossed his hands over his chest and then removed them, spreading his arms to either side of himself in silent praise to the gods.

"Rise child of Oliya, child of Ylana." He looked to Frier and Rein, respectively, ignoring him altogether. His dark eyes lingered on Ari for a fleeting moment before he sneered and gestured for them to rise.

"You made it here. I thought the horde had gotten to you," Eryk exclaimed.

"They had, but we managed," Rein replied.

"Why is it that the boy looks cleaner than the two of you?"

"Well, he had a special caretaker," Rein quipped, walking behind Eyrk while the crowd parted and bowed in his presence.

Ari was no boy. At nine and ten, he considered himself a grown man in the eyes of many. Every encounter with the priest felt like a condescension he had endured since childhood. He loathed the man, a sentiment that had not diminished over the years. Instead, it had grown, though he had learned to mask his emotions, making them less apparent over time.

"Is that so? Well, I am not so surprised. Come, come inside. We have been expecting you for some time now."

Before Ari could turn to leave, Freir wrapped his arm around his neck and took him inside.

"Ari, do not do this now. Would you like to sleep outside?"

As they entered the church's common room, Ari averted his eyes. The east wing echoed with the voices of priests delving into discussions about the great gods and their wisdom. The walkways were lined with Sanclii, the revered protectors blessed by Clius, the god of wisdom. The noise heightened, pounding in Ari's head and making his ears ring. His senses, naturally more sensitive than most, appeared to have sharpened further since leaving the inn.

"The Chief Priest is gone, at the moment." Eryk's voice boomed through the ruckus.

Within these walls, only men were allowed. Women, unless given the sacred roles of Santi, Sanclius or priestess, were barred entry. Chaste and bound by oaths sworn upon the holy stone, they refrained from bearing children or pursuing love beyond their devotion to the gods. Ari, however, did not belong to their ranks. Unlike Freir and Rein, he had not yet earned the title of a Sanclius.

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