Chapter 6: Journey

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Auovin had pressed forward with the decision to venture deeper into Dantic, despite Cyrus's initial hesitation and reluctance to leave Assania. It was common knowledge among those familiar with demons that Dantic was considered demon country, a territory relinquished to them long ago. Ari scanned the surroundings, searching for Rein and Freir. They were engaged in fervent whispers, drawing closer together. In truth, Ari, too, began to feel a growing sense of wariness.

Ari absentmindedly touched his lips and ran a hand through his hair, attempting to divert his attention from Auovin and Cyrus closeness. Yet, a monstrous sensation, festering within him like an insidious growth, spread like acid through his insides. Balling his hands into fists, he suppressed the bitterness with thoughts of finding answers and glimpsing a new world that had long eluded him. He reminded himself that Auovin was merely guiding him, nothing more, pushing aside the unsettling feeling gnawing at him.

As much as he wanted to press for more from Auovin, Ari knew he should stop and heed Freir's warning. Auovin was a demon, and his desire for him was different from the feelings Ari had. He was not foolish enough to believe in Auovin's honeyed words either. Auovin would never see him in the same light as he saw Cyrus or Inge, for that matter. He was being used. Ari closed his eyes at the thought and sighed away a frown.

"Ari, my boy, come here." Ari looked at Freir as he motioned for him to come closer. "Quickly now," he said in a hushed voice.

Ari lagged behind to let Freir catch up to him. The moment he did, Freir grabbed Ari by the neck and brought him close.

"This has gone on long enough. If we go any further, we may not come back alive."

Ari smacked his hand away, causing Freir to grab it and scowl at him with pain laced through his eyes.

"Freir are you––"

"––I am fine, Rein."

"Your hand..." Rein looked from Freir to Ari with a paling face. "You did not... "

"He is a young boy. They make mistakes," Freir said.

"You had warned him and he blatantly ignored it! He has been led astray and there is no way of getting him to come back with us now." Rein looked at Freir's reddening hand and ran his thumb across it restlessly.

"You are worrying for nothing. I had raised him. You had raised him. He knows where he belongs."

Ari could do nothing but look at his own hands in shock. He had not... He did not mean to hurt him. It was a small thing, a simple smack as he always had done.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to— "

Rein cut Ari off with a sharp push and glared. "You stay over there."

"Rein!" Freir said.

"He will turn on us like a rabid dog!"

Ari knitted his brows together as his heart sank to the pits of his stomach at his words. Was that what he was? A rabid dog? It was a small mistake. He would never harm Freir of all people. Maybe Rein, but never him. As disappointed as he was with Freir, Ari still looked at him as someone very close and dear to his heart.

"It was a mistake. He did not mean it. Leave him be," Freir hissed and yanked Rein by his collar. "He is ours."

"For how much longer?"

"Freir pushed past Rein to approach Ari closely, but Ari, avoiding eye contact, turned his head and continued walking ahead. He was determined not to reveal the hurt etched across his face.

"Ari, boy, come here," Freir called out, but Ari pressed on, disregarding his words. Undeterred, Freir called again and reached out, grabbing Ari's wrist.

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