Chapter 2.2: Lies

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With the last traces of daylight fading away, Ari stirred awake. He found himself in a luxurious bed, complete with an abundance of pillows and a generously filled feathered blanket. The room darkened, obscuring its features. Dimly lit candles scattered around the room provided a faint glimpse of his surroundings. 

The air carried a soothing scent that eased Ari's senses. His heartbeat slowed, and drowsiness crept in. When he attempted to move his arm, he discovered it was bound to the bedpost by a sturdy, thick rope. Panic surged within him, but it ebbed away as swiftly as it had arrived. His mind seemed shrouded in a dense fog, and thoughts were fleeting, replaced by an overwhelming urge to sleep.

"You are awake at last. I thought you would sleep all through the summer," the voice of the black-haired demon remarked. He could not place where it was, but he knew it was near.

Emerging into the light, Ari found himself instinctively pressing against the bedpost. He watched as it wiped away blood from its bottom lip, its loose shirt outlining faint contours of its chest. A few more steps brought it closer, causing his breath to catch in his throat. Molten honeyed eyes assessed him, sending goosebumps across his skin.

"Do not look so frightened. It is unbecoming of you," the demon said as it licked its lips and lowered a knee onto the bed.

"Where am I?"

"Does it matter where? You are here, and you are alive." It cupped his face, studying him. "One of your wounds became infected. I added a sleeping aid to the water before cleaning it."

"Thank you, but I should not be here. I must––"

"What is it that you are trying so hard to get back to? I have no reason to help you. I have no reason to let you go either."

"...I..." Ari mumbled, "I do not know... " His eyebrows furrowed in thought. Ari's mind was hazy. Everything was distant and confusing, somehow. He did not feel like himself.

He watched as the demon examined his secured arm before turning its attention back to him. "Promise me you will not try and do anything rash. You will not try to run or escape. Once you do, I will untie you and you can walk around."

Ari nodded without hesitation. The room seemed to be affecting him, and he longed for fresh air and some distance from the demon. The scrutinizing gazes made him uncomfortable. Freir's words lingered in his mind: it could not be trusted.

"I promise," Ari agreed.

The moment the words left his lips, the demon followed through on its promise and severed the rope with a keen-edged dagger. Ari watched in awe at the proficiency displayed—a simple cut, yet executed with a finesse that hinted at decades of training. Rising on shaky legs, he attempted to move forward. Just as he teetered, the demon caught him with its arm, providing stability.

"Easy now. Small steps."

"Where am I?" Ari inquired once more, leaning on the wall for support. Upon regaining his balance, he ventured forward without its aid, though a lingering dizziness persisted.

"The same town as before. I could not move you in the state you were in."

As Ari walked through the quiet hall, the demon's footsteps resonated not far behind him. He cast his eyes about, searching for windows or any signs of life, but the inn seemed devoid of activity. The wind outside created a symphony with the rattling shutters, the sound echoing through the hall. He paused, surrounded by the hush, listening to the steady rhythm of both his own breathing and the demon's.

"I would let you go outside. However, it is going to rain soon."

"I do not care," Ari muttered.

"I do not expect you to. Humans have that way about them." Its voice grew closer. "Never caring."

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