Chapter 8.1: Doubt

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Ari stirred from his sleep as he heard the clatter of pans and a chair scratching against the wooden floor. As his eyes opened, he turned his head away from the window beaming blinding bright rays of light onto his face. Drool was on the side of his face, causing him to wipe it with the back of his sleeve before rubbing his eyes. He had been so tired he had fallen asleep somewhere downstairs where Raoul and he were once speaking. Just as he was yawning, Ari jolted awake as noticed a set of brown eyes gazing down at him.

Sai smiled then and moved closer.

"And so you are awake... " His voice was much smoother than what he remembered it being. It was soothing to hear and his light smiles seemed to disarm him. He was a much different blood demon than he was used to being around.

"Are you hungry?" Sai said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"I'm not," Ari mumbled back. His stomach grumbled, making Sai give way to a little laugh.

"I can feed you. Don't be so shy. I want nothing from you... other than your company... " He gave him a look that made Ari's eyes soften. "Perhaps."

Ari made a motion to rise, but Sai pressed a hand to his chest keeping him put.

"Tell me what you like and I will bring it to you or would you like for me to guess?"

Sai bent down and took a quick whiff of his neck before Ari had any time to react. He pressed his nose closer, causing Ari to grow still, heart beat rampant.

"... Strawberries."

Ari looked up at him as he backed away and put his thumb to his lips. "You smell like strawberries... So must like to eat them. They are your favorite food."

"How did you know?" Ari tried to smell himself, but he did not smell a thing like strawberries.

"I can tell a lot about you. As could anyone of us," Sai said offhandedly. Ari felt his warm hand on his chin, turning it to the side where Auovin had bitten him. "Just as I know someone will be coming for you soon."

Sai rose and continued on to look at him, making Ari shy away from his eyes. He was pretty like Auovin and Cyrus. Ari could not help but notice. He also had a curious way about him that made Ari want to learn more about it. Unlike the rest, Sai seemed to be honest in not holding any interest in him and that was what made him feel so comfortable.

"Stay here. I'll bring you something in a moment."

His creme shirt was unbuttoned at the top and his hair was unkempt but still did not deter away his beauty. Ari could not help, but stare. Sai was slimmer than Auovin, but he seemed to be much wiser and less drawn to violence. If blood demons were all like the ones he had met then it is no wonder why Sai would rather keep to himself.

It was some moments before Sai came back with a bowl full of ripe strawberries along with a plate of thin crackers. He placed them down in front of him and sat across from him, eyeing him. His head rested against his hand and closed his eyes before moving some stray hairs from out of his face.

Ari stared at the strawberries before looking back up at Sai.

"Go on. It will put some food in your belly until you decide to take blood again. Starving yourself does more harm than good. Especially when you are so young."

"I do not mean to... "

"If you want to get stronger and not be this weak... human thing then you must."

"I know." Ari pushed a couple strawberries into his mouth.

At the tavern, Sai could care less about him. Now that he was not in his cups, he seemed more reasonable and mild-mannered.

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