Chapter 2.1: Left Behind

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The cold wind smacked Ari's face as they ran. He fought to catch his breath. Freir, sensing his slowing pace, gripped his wrist and pulled him behind. Ari's heart and mind raced with fear of the repercussions of their actions if they were caught.

"Faster, Ari!" Freir shouted as they pushed through the horde of people.

Dusk fell and the air grew colder. As they sprinted through the crowd, Ari could see the clouds of breath forming with each exhale. It was not uncommon in Assania to have a hot day followed by a bone-chilling cold night. However, it did not dispel his worry or concern. Freir was his upper and he had to listen to him.

Everyone rushed indoors before the final rays of light could leave the sky. It was a widely acknowledged practice, an unspoken rule to never loiter in the night. Demons prowled the darkness, their ravenous mouths capable of tearing limbs before delivering the final, fatal blow.

"Freir, if he catches us, it is certain death. What we are doing is a mistake," Ari gasped for breath.

"Have you lost your mind, Ari?"

Ari jerked his wrist away as they stopped behind a building. "No, I am just not being foolish and reckless! He's not someone to be trifled with."

Freir crossed his arms and snorted. "So, you refer to it as 'he' now, do you?"

Ari's eyes widened, then narrowed, avoiding Freir's gaze.

"What was discussed between the two of you?" Freir grabbed Ari's chin. "Tell me, boy!"


"You lie. How dare you lie to your senior! It appears I have grown too lenient, and now you underestimate me," he hissed.

"I am not."

"Tell me!" Freir's grip tightened as he shook him.

"He said the demon holiday, Basalda, is approaching and he did not want to travel during that time!" Ari yelled. "This is dangerous."

Freir looked around, seeing the deserted streets for the first time. There were many people once before, but now they had gone inside. Only they were dumb enough to try to leave as the sun went down.

"We should go back," Ari said.

"And you trust this demon, why?"

"It is not a matter of trusting him, Freir. It is just that he..." Ari's eyes drifted downward, reflecting on the puzzling situation. Why was he so steadfast in trusting the words of that demon? The question lingered, unnerving him.

"Enough with 'he.' Remember, it is a demon!" Freir scolded.

"You called him he as well. Do not berate me. 'It' is as much a he as we are."

Freir shook his head, raising his hand in surrender. He sighed and pressed his eyes shut before meeting Ari's gaze again. "Nolan will have my head if something were to happen to you under my care. That demon, it is a demon like none you have ever encountered before. It is not something you would want attached to you, nonetheless, lingering around."

Ari looked at him in silent contemplation.

"Ari, that creature is a Blood Demon, infamous for corrupting and defiling the sanctity bestowed upon us by Oliya. They are forbidden from feeding on our blood because we, His children, are too pure for such unholy beings."

Ari's brows knitted in confusion. If this was the expected order of things, he could not fathom how and why he became an exception. Was he not a child of Oliya? What about the other demons that preyed on human flesh? None of it made sense to him, presenting just as great a contradiction as the Blood Demon itself.

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