Chapter 9.6: Revelations II

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Ari saw how quickly Auovin's wounds healed. It amazed and frightened him all at the same time considering how deep they were. When Auovin made movements to rise, he still clutched his side and mustered down the pain as best he could.

"He took your blood... " Ari mumbled.

"As compensation for you and your questions."

Ari looked at him, seeing the fire churning in his irises now. Was he angry with him now after everything? He risked his very life for him and he was going to pay him back with such eyes?

"If you would have just waited--"

Ari slapped him across the cheek sending him back to the ground again.

"I have waited long enough. Did you expect me to happily be strung along? I am tired of it! And do not make this about me. No, this is your doing and now you must explain yourself."

Auovin pressed a hand against his cheek and looked at Ari with narrowed eyes. He kept his mouth shut and continued to stare, boring holes into him. However, Ari did not once break eye contact with him. He would hold his ground in this.

"Ylanan... My father... Who are they to you? And Oliya... Is Auovin even your real name? Why did you do the things you did for me? Why had you tried so hard to take me away from the Khaeo?"

Ari lowered himself on the ground, waiting for his answer.

"Tell me. Say something. Anything," Ari pressed, but Auovin's lips stayed sealed. "I want to know so I can understand you."

Auovin finally broke eye contact with him and lowered them to the ground, fixating his attention on Ari's moving fingers.

"Even in this moment, you are unselfish and kind. No matter how I try to rid you of these things you hold on to them tightly as if they are a part of you. Qualities like that... in this world... are not ones you would like to have. You will not survive long in our world or theirs with those traits."

"Do not worry about me."

"It is hard not to when you are like this. I will not always be around... "

"You will be."

"I will not." Auovin looked up at Ari. "I will not."

It sent a pang to Ari's heart and made it twist inside his chest. But he would not be sidetracked by such thoughts. Still, Ari was shaken by the thought of ever losing him.

"Why must you say things like this?"

"Because I have lived through many lifetimes and now I grow tired and weary."

Ari saw the tears welling in his eyes. "There is much pain here and more days than not, it can grow to be unbearable."

"Because of Ylanan?"

"Because of many things."

"Tell me. Tell me everything, so I can help ease whatever pain it is that is causing you to suffer this way." Auovin would not part with a thing. It was like pulling out teeth.

Auovin looked into his eyes as he pressed a cold hand to his cheek.

"Looking at you only reminds me of a past I tried my best to forget."

Ari pressed his hand against his cold ones, trying not to take those words to heart.

"Tell me, when you have grown so close to someone what are you to do when your ideals conflict? Do you love them still? Do you fight them or do you hate them?" Auovin stared into his eyes as he asked. "Ylanan wants to watch the world burn and in its ashes, he would start anew... "

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